# New ports collection makefile for: pire # Date created: 17 Jun 2010 # Whom: Dmitry Marakasov # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= pire PORTVERSION= 0.0.4 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= http://cloud.github.com/downloads/dprokoptsev/${PORTNAME}/ \ http://mirror.amdmi3.ru/distfiles/ MAINTAINER= amdmi3@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Perl Incompatible Regular Expressions library LICENSE= LGPL3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_GMAKE= yes USE_LDCONFIG= yes MAKE_JOBS_SAFE= yes ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 i386 ia64 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= "not yet ported to big-endian platforms" OPTIONS= UNITTEST "Compile with unittest support" off .include .if defined(WITH_UNITTEST) || defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) BUILD_DEPENDS+= cppunit-config:${PORTSDIR}/devel/cppunit CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-cppunit-prefix=${LOCALBASE} regression-test: @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${GMAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKE_ARGS} check) .endif .include