Tcllib is a collection of utility modules for Tcl. These modules provide
a wide variety  of functionality, from implementations  of standard data
structures to implementations of common networking protocols. The intent
is to collect commonly used function  into a single library, which users
can rely on to be available and stable.

The latest version of tcllib, 0.4, includes the following modules: 
	base64	base64 encoder and decoder
	cmdline	command line argument processor similar to opt
		Tcl implementations of some standard Unix utilities
	html	HTML generation procedures. This uses ncgi.
	math	common math functions like min, max, and others
	mime	MIME encoder and decoder
	ncgi	new CGI processing module
	pop3	POP3 protocol implementation
		function level Tcl source code profiler
	struct	Tcl implementations of common data structures