MaraDNS is a package that implements the Domain Name Service (DNS), an essential internet service. MaraDNS has the following advantages: o Secure. MaraDNS has a security history as good as or better than any other DNS server. For example, MaraDNS has always randomized, using a secure random number generator, the Query ID and source port of DNS queries; and was never vulnerable to the "new" cache poisoning attack. o Supported. MaraDNS has a long history of being maintained and updated. Actively developed since 2001, MaraDNS continues to be fully supported: The most recent release was done on August 4, 2009. Deadwood, the code that will become part of MaraDNS 2.0, is frequently updated. o Easy to use. A basic recursive configuration needs only a single three-line configuration file. A basic authoritative configuration needs only a four-line configuration file and a one-line zone file. MaraDNS is fully documented, with both easy-to-follow tutorials and a complete and up-to-date reference manual. o Small. MaraDNS is well suited for embedded applications and other environments where the server must use the absolute minimum number of resources possible. MaraDNS' binary is smaller than that of any other currently maintained recursive DNS server. o Open Source. MaraDNS is fully open-source, The license is a two-clause BSD license that is almost identical to the FreeBSD license. WWW: