# New ports collection makefile for: facturier # Date created: 30 January 2003 # Whom: Thierry Thomas # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= facturier PORTVERSION= 2.1.1 CATEGORIES= french finance MASTER_SITES= http://ignu.ungi.org/download/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz MAINTAINER= thierry@pompo.net COMMENT= Logiciel de facturation pour P.M.I. & P.M.E. RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/htmldoc:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/htmldoc \ ${PBASE}/${PERL_ARCH}/Mysql.pm:${PORTSDIR}/databases/p5-Mysql \ ${PBASE}/Tie/IxHash.pm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Tie-IxHash WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} NO_BUILD= yes USE_APACHE= yes USE_PERL5_RUN= yes USE_REINPLACE= yes .if defined(WITH_APACHE2) APACHE_CNFDIR= ${LOCALBASE}/etc/apache2 .else APACHE_CNFDIR= ${LOCALBASE}/etc/apache .endif APACHE_CONF= ${APACHE_CNFDIR}/httpd.conf PBASE= ${SITE_PERL} DBOWN?= PROP_BD DBPWD?= MDP_BD DBSERV?= localhost LFACT_REP?= www/${PORTNAME} FACT_REP= ${PREFIX}/${LFACT_REP} FACT_INC= ${PREFIX}/etc/${PORTNAME} FACT_CNF= ${FACT_REP}/lib/Conf.pm PLIST_SUB= FACT_REP=${LFACT_REP} SS_REPS= cgi-bin html lib log sql REINPLACE_ARGS= -i.beforeFacturier PORTDOCS= COPYING README.txt todo.txt PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message pre-everything:: @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "Vous pouvez définir trois variables :" @${ECHO_MSG} " DBOWN pour le propriétaire de la base MySQL" @${ECHO_MSG} "et DBPWD pour son mot de passe," @${ECHO_MSG} "et DBSERV pour le nom d'hôte du serveur MySQL" @${ECHO_MSG} " (localhost par défaut)." @${ECHO_MSG} "" post-extract: @(cd ${WRKDIR} && \ ${EXTRACT_CMD} ${EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS} \ ${PORTNAME}-version${PORTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} ${EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS}) @${RM} ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-version${PORTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} post-patch: # perl PREFIX safeness @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -type f | ${XARGS} -n 10 -x \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|/usr/bin/perl|${PERL}|' @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name \*.beforeFacturier -exec ${RM} {} \; do-install: @${MKDIR} ${FACT_REP} .for REP in ${SS_REPS} @${CP} -Rp ${WRKSRC}/${REP} ${FACT_REP} .endfor @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:%%FACT_REP%%:${FACT_REP}:;s:%%PREFIX%%:${PREFIX}:; \ s:%%DBOWN%%:${DBOWN}:;s:%%DBPWD%%:${DBPWD}:;s:%%DBSERV%%:${DBSERV}:" \ ${FACT_CNF} @${RM} ${FACT_CNF}.beforeFacturier @${CP} -p ${FACT_CNF} ${FACT_CNF}.dist # Set perms @${CHOWN} -R ${WWWOWN}:${WWWGRP} ${FACT_REP} @${CHMOD} -R 644 ${FACT_REP} @${FIND} ${FACT_REP} -type d -exec ${CHMOD} a+x {} \; @${CHMOD} -R u+x ${FACT_REP}/cgi-bin @${FIND} ${FACT_REP}/lib -type f -exec ${CHMOD} go-r {} \; # Configure Apache @(if [ -f ${APACHE_CONF} ] ; then \ ${MKDIR} ${FACT_INC} ; \ ${CP} -p ${FILESDIR}/httpd.conf.facturier ${FACT_INC} ; \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:%%FACT_REP%%:${FACT_REP}:g" \ ${FACT_INC}/httpd.conf.facturier ; \ ${RM} ${FACT_INC}/httpd.conf.facturier.beforeFacturier ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Updating ${APACHE_CONF}..." ; \ ${CP} -p ${APACHE_CONF} ${APACHE_CONF}.beforeFacturier ; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "# Le Facturier's cgi-bin directory" >> ${APACHE_CONF} ; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "Include ${FACT_INC}" >> ${APACHE_CONF} ; \ fi) .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} .for doc in ${PORTDOCS} @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${doc} ${DOCSDIR} .endfor @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Documentation installed in ${DOCSDIR}." .endif post-install: @${ECHO_MSG} @${SED} -e "s:/usr/local/www/facturier:${FACT_REP}:" \ -e "s:/usr/local/share/doc/facturier:${DOCSDIR}:" \ -e "s:%%DBOWN%%:${DBOWN}:;s:%%DBPWD%%:${DBPWD}:" \ -e "s:%%DBSERV%%:${DBSERV}:" \ ${FILESDIR}/pkg-message.in > ${PKGMESSAGE} @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} @${ECHO_MSG} .include ot/npm_and_yarn/devel/electron6/files/lodash.merge-4.6.2 FreeBSD GNOME current development ports (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports-gnome)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* - Sync with update of japanese/anthy.MANTANI Nobutaka2019-09-143-8/+18