Jungle Monkey (JM) is a distributed file sharing program.
You join channels where people offer files for download.
You can offer your own files and create your own channels as well.
Once you download a file, others can connect to you to get that file.
You can also search for files.
WWW: http://www.gizmolabs.org/~dhelder/junglemonkey/
o?h=gnome-3.36' type='application/atom+xml'/>
- Do not build the port since it requires Maven to build documentation
- No longer install commons-logging-api.jar
- Disable OPTIONS: the full package is installed
- Chase recent Log4J port rename
- Use INSTALL_DATA rather than CP
- Use ECHO_MSG rather than ECHO_CMD
- Use JAVALIBDIR in place of JAVAJARDIR where appropriate
- Various cosmetic improvements