# New ports collection makefile for: wu-ftpd # Date created: 18 Oct 1994 # Whom: torstenb # # $FreeBSD$ # # REMINDER: to use ftpaccess(5) you need to specify -a in command line, # it is changed from previous versions PORTNAME= wu-ftpd PORTVERSION= 2.6.2 PORTREVISION= 9 CATEGORIES= ftp MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.wu-ftpd.org/pub/wu-ftpd/ PATCH_SITES= ftp://ftp.wu-ftpd.org/pub/wu-ftpd/patches/apply_to_2.6.2/ PATCHFILES= connect-dos.patch realpath.patch MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= A replacement ftp server for Un*x systems CONFLICTS= wu-ftpd+ipv6-[0-9]* heimdal-[0-9]* USE_AUTOTOOLS= autoconf213 CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-rfc931 --disable-pasvip \ --enable-noop --disable-numericuid --enable-nlst-dirs \ --prefix=${PREFIX} --with-etc-dir=${PREFIX}/etc .if !defined(WITH_PAM) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-opie .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-pam EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${FILESDIR}/ftpd.c-pam .endif MAKE_ENV+= WARNINGS=-DSPT_TYPE=SPT_BUILTIN MAN1= ftpcount.1 ftpwho.1 MAN5= ftpaccess.5 ftphosts.5 ftpconversions.5 xferlog.5 \ ftpservers.5 MAN8= ftpd.8 ftpshut.8 ftprestart.8 privatepw.8 .include .if ${OSVERSION} >= 900007 post-patch: ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/logwtmp.c ${WRKSRC}/src .endif .include