# New ports collection makefile for: glheretic # Date created: 04 Feb 2000 # Whom: Will Andrews <andrews@technologist.com> # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= heretic PORTVERSION= 1.2 PORTREVISION= 5 CATEGORIES= games MASTER_SITES= http://heretic.linuxgames.com/heretic/src/:source \ http://heretic.linuxgames.com/wad/:wad DISTNAME= gl${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= oliver@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Unix source-port of the famous Heretic game by id Software USE_XORG= x11 xi xpm xau USE_GMAKE= yes MAKE_ENV= PTHREAD_LIBS=${PTHREAD_LIBS} OPTIONS= X11 "Use X11" on \ FASTX11 "Use FastX11" off \ SDL "Use SDL" off \ WAD "With shareware WAD" on .include <bsd.port.pre.mk> .if (defined(WITH_X11) && (defined(WITH_FASTX11) || defined(WITH_SDL))) || \ (defined(WITH_FASTX11) && (defined(WITH_X11) || defined(WITH_SDL))) IGNORE= you must only define X11, xor FASTX11, xor SDL .endif .if defined(WITH_X11) ALL_TARGET= x11 BINARY= xheretic .endif .if defined(WITH_FASTX11) ALL_TARGET= fastx11 BINARY= xaheretic .endif .if defined(WITH_SDL) USE_SDL= yes ALL_TARGET= sdl BINARY= sdlheretic CFLAGS+= `${SDL_CONFIG} --cflags` .endif .if defined(WITH_WAD) DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}:source heretic_share.wad.gz:wad EXTRACT_ONLY= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} PLIST_SUB= WAD:="" .else PLIST_SUB= WAD:="@comment " .endif post-extract: .if !defined(WITHOUT_WAD) @${GZIP_CMD} ${EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS} ${_DISTDIR}/heretic_share.wad.gz \ > ${WRKSRC}/heretic_share.wad .endif @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name .depend -type f -delete do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/${BINARY} ${PREFIX}/bin/heretic ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/sndserver ${PREFIX}/bin/sndserver .if !defined(WITHOUT_WAD) @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/heretic ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/heretic_share.wad ${PREFIX}/share/heretic .endif .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/heretic ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/* ${PREFIX}/share/doc/heretic .endif .include <bsd.port.post.mk>