============================================================================== JoeQuake has been installed. To start it in full-screen mode you can run it with the "-fullscreen" parameter. If you have mouse problems you can try running it with the "-nomdga" parameter (this will make the mouse work fine when the DGA X11 extension is disabled). If you have sound problems try running it with the parameter "-sndspeed ", where "" could be 22050 or 44100 for example. If you enable water alpha ("r_wateralpha" or from the menu), set "r_novis" to "1" or you will have problems with water/lava. Note that the value of "r_novis" will be saved in the configuration file. ============================================================================== tom.tfcis.org/~lantw44/git/freebsd-ports-gnome' title='freebsd-ports-gnome Git repository'/>