Elite: The New Kind - a remake of 1984's 8-bit classic space combat and trading game "Elite" by Ian Bell and David Braben. There remains a large contingent of veteran gamers who maintain that the Bell and Braben classic Elite was the greatest computer game of all time. This remake - Elite: The New Kind - was produced by reverse engineering the original disk-based version of Elite on the BBC Microcomputer. However, it was updated with shaded polygon graphics and most of the enhanced gameplay elements which characterised later versions of Elite. Snapshots of the original Elite for various emulators (including some which will run on FreeBSD) may be downloaded from co-author Ian Bell's Elite site: http://www.iancgbell.clara.net/elite/ Shareware versions of the later Elite sequels (for MS-DOS) may be downloaded from David Braben's Elite Club: http://www.eliteclub.co.uk/download/ Author: Christian Pinder WWW: http://www.newkind.co.uk/ -- Johann Visagie