# New ports collection makefile for: Unreal Tournament Dedicated Server # Date created: Thu Oct 4 23:38:00 CEST 2001 # Whom: Martin Matuska et al # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= utserver PORTVERSION= 436 PORTREVISION= 5 CATEGORIES= games linux MASTER_SITES= http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/lokigames/installers/ut/ \ http://fileserver.talkware.net/ut/ DISTNAME= ut-server-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Unreal Tournament Dedicated Server for Linux RUN_DEPENDS= ${LINUXBASE}/usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/linux-sdl12 BUILD_DEPENDS= ${RUN_DEPENDS} ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 USE_LINUX= yes USE_PERL5= yes NO_CDROM= "Size; the data set is much too big" NO_BUILD= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/ut-server UTDIR= ut-server/ PLIST_SUB= UTDIR="${UTDIR}" EXTRA_PATCHES= ${WRKDIR}/patch-ngstatsut INSTALL_DIR= ${INSTALL} -d -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 755 INSTALL_MY_DATA= ${INSTALL} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -m 644 # files which should be installed with executable perms EXECUTABLES= ucc ucc-bin ngStatsUT ngStatsUT.exe ngWorldStats \ bgWorldStats ngWorldStats.exe pre-patch: # remove trailing ^M @${FIND} -E ${WRKSRC} -type f \ -iregex ".*\.(bat|cfg|gam|htm|html|inf|ini|int|lst|pl|pm|sc|sh|scr|txt|url|uhtm)" \ -exec ${PERL} -pi -ne 's!\r\n!\n!' {} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 \; @${SED} -e "s!%%LOCALBASE%%!${LOCALBASE}!" \ -e "s!%%LINUXBASE%%!${LINUXBASE}!" \ -e "s!%%UTDIR%%!${UTDIR}!" \ ${FILESDIR}/template-patch-ngstatsut > \ ${WRKDIR}/patch-ngstatsut do-install: install-parse-plist install-run-scripts # Contributed by install-parse-plist: generate-plist @${PERL} -e 'open(FHANDLER,"${TMPPLIST}");' \ -e 'open(FDIR,">${WRKDIR}/dirs.sh.tmp");' \ -e 'open(FFILES,">${WRKDIR}/files.sh");' \ -e 'while (!eof(FHANDLER)) {' \ -e 'chop($$file = );' \ -e '$$dir = $$file_partial = $$file;' \ -e '$$file_partial =~ s!^${UTDIR}!!;' \ -e 'print FDIR "${INSTALL_DIR}", \ " ", "\"${PREFIX}/$$dir\"", \ "\n" if $$dir =~ s!(^\@dirrm\s+)!!;' \ -e 'if ($$file !~ m!^\@!) {' \ -e '$$program_flag = 0;' \ -e 'if ("${EXECUTABLES}" ne "") {' \ -e 'foreach $$program_pattern \ (split (/\s+/,"${EXECUTABLES}")) {' \ -e '($$program_flag = 1 , break) \ if ($$file =~ /$$program_pattern$$/);' \ -e '}' \ -e '}' \ -e 'print FFILES ($$program_flag == 0) ? \ "${INSTALL_MY_DATA}" : "${INSTALL_SCRIPT}", \ " ", "\"${WRKSRC}/$$file_partial\"", \ " ", "\"${PREFIX}/$$file\"", \ "\n";' \ -e '}' \ -e '}' \ -e 'close(FFILES);' \ -e 'close(FDIR);' \ -e 'close(FHANDLER);' @${SORT} ${WRKDIR}/dirs.sh.tmp > ${WRKDIR}/dirs.sh install-run-scripts: .for script in dirs files @${SH} ${WRKDIR}/${script}.sh .endfor post-install: @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include