Xoids is an asteroids-type game written for X in my (spare) time. The
game was originally developed on a Sun4 system while on an oceanographic
research cruise.  It's by no means finished.

   While  Xoids  is  strikingly  similar to the original Asteroids game,
there are some differences:

   o  Full color pixmaps
   o  One or Two Player (duel and cooperative) modes
   o  Can bounce off asteroids instead of dying (if going slow)
   o  Shots have relative speed, and impart intertia to the ship
   o  Asteroids have appropriate "masses": realistic physics
   o  The alien (called the Slurb) tracks players rather than
      flying around aimlessly
   o  Thrusting and using hyperspace can overheat your engines (boom!)
   o  Co-op mode links players together via a flexible space-cable