# New ports collection makefile for: linux-gdk-pixbuf # Date created: 23 December 2003 # Whom: Seth Kingsley # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= gdk-pixbuf PORTVERSION= PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= graphics linux DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION:C/^([^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]+)\./\1-/} MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Linux version of the graphic library for GTK+ CONFLICTS= linux-f8-gdk-pixbuf-[0-9]* linux-f10-gdk-pixbuf-[0-9]* # EXPIRATION_DATE is the EoL of the last 7.x release EXPIRATION_DATE=2013-02-28 USE_LINUX_RPM= yes LINUX_DIST_VER= 4 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 amd64 USE_LDCONFIG= yes PLIST_SUB= VERSION=${PORTVERSION:C/^([^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]+).+/\1/} DISTINFO_FILE?= ${PKGDIR}/distinfo .include