# New ports collection makefile for: seam-carving-gui # Date created: 18 Oct 2008 # Whom: buganini@gmail.com # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= seam-carving-gui PORTVERSION= 1.10 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= graphics MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GOOGLE_CODE} MAINTAINER= buganini@gmail.com COMMENT= The Seam Carving GUI is a GUI front end to CAIR HAS_CONFIGURE= yes USE_GMAKE= yes USE_QT_VER= 4 QT_COMPONENTS= gui imageformats_run moc_build qmake_build uic_build WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} PLIST_FILES= bin/SeamCarvingGui do-configure: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} QMAKESPEC="${QMAKESPEC}" ${QMAKE} seam-carving-gui.pro do-install: ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/SeamCarvingGui ${PREFIX}/bin .include