This is a port of the ircd-ratbox IRC daemon.

ircd-ratbox is the primary ircd used on EFnet; it combines the stability
of an ircd required for a large production network together with a rich
set of features, making it also suitable for use on smaller networks.

Changes Include:
  o Optional SSL support to enable encrypted connections between clients
    and servers, as well as server to server links.
  o Add support for SSL only channels, channel mode +S.
  o sqlite3 for handling and storing k/x/d lines.
  o Support for global CIDR limits.
  o Added adminwall allowing admins to broadcast messages to each other.
  o Creation of new library archive 'libratbox'.
  o Support for forced nick changes (instead of collision kills).
  o New ssld and bandb processes for SSL connections and ban checking;
    these allow ratbox-3 to make better use of multi-processor systems.