# New ports collection makefile for: XChat fish # Date created: Mon Jan 17 03:22:41 UTC 2005 # Whom: Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira # # $FreeBSD$ # $MCom: ports/irc/xchat-fish/Makefile,v 1.1 2006/10/04 22:30:07 ahze Exp $ PORTNAME= fish DISTVERSION= 0.98 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= irc security MASTER_SITES= http://fish.secure.la/xchat/ PKGNAMEPREFIX= xchat- DISTNAME= FiSH-XChat.v${DISTVERSION}-source MAINTAINER= dinoex@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= An encryption plugin for XChat BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libmiracl.a:${PORTSDIR}/math/miracl RUN_DEPENDS= xchat:${PORTSDIR}/irc/xchat USE_ZIP= yes NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes DOCSDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PKGNAMEPREFIX}${PORTNAME} CCFLAGS+= -Wall -O2 -I${LOCALBASE}/include LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib MAKE_ENV+= CCFLAGS="${CCFLAGS}" MAKE_ENV+= LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" PLIST_FILES= lib/xchat/plugins/xfish.so PORTDOCS= FiSH-xchat.txt \ FiSH-xchat_History.txt post-patch: @${CP} -pf ${FILESDIR}/Makefile ${WRKSRC}/ @${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/mir* # \r\n -> \n @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -type f -exec \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \ -e 's| ||' \ {} \; do-install: # docs .ifndef(NOPORTDOCS) @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} .for doc in ${PORTDOCS} @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${doc} \ ${DOCSDIR}/ .endfor .endif # plugin @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/xchat/plugins @${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/xfish.so \ ${PREFIX}/lib/xchat/plugins/ .include Fix some logic. - And generally, make things more simple and easy to understand. While there, add magic values to the FESTIVAL, GENTOO, GIMP, GNUPG, QT and SAMBA macros. Also, replace some EXTRACT_SUFX occurences with USES=tar:*. Checked by: make fetch-urlall-list With hat: portmgr Sponsored by: Absolight Allow staging as a regular user 2014-09-05T18:12:13+00:00 antoine antoine@FreeBSD.org 2014-09-05T18:12:13+00:00 6d00e159379c3db4db49bf300733162d704de5fb

- Stage support 2014-02-06T12:15:12+00:00 miwi miwi@FreeBSD.org 2014-02-06T12:15:12+00:00 f4b41ee5b040fe88ae8ba13f0aa8db162609e59f

Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat: net) 2013-09-20T22:10:23+00:00 bapt bapt@FreeBSD.org 2013-09-20T22:10:23+00:00 ea8ff22cff3d553574b25de8cfd89024ab2cb22e

- Get Rid MD5 support 2011-03-20T12:54:45+00:00 miwi miwi@FreeBSD.org 2011-03-20T12:54:45+00:00 33f3ed3f1c3ff900609e298fe5246ec6c3a8917e