# New ports collection makefile for: jdk15 # Date created: 12 January 2005 # Whom: Alexey Zelkin # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= jdk PORTVERSION= ${JDK_VERSION}p${JDK_PATCHSET_VERSION} PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= java devel MASTER_SITES= # http://www.sun.com/software/java2/download.html # http://www.eyesbeyond.com/freebsddom/java/jdk15.html SCSL_SRCFILE= jdk-${JDK_VERSION:S/./_/g}-src-scsl.zip SCSL_BINFILE= jdk-${JDK_VERSION:S/./_/g}-bin-scsl.zip PATCHSETFILE= bsd-jdk15-patches-${JDK_PATCHSET_VERSION}.tar.bz2 DISTFILES= ${SCSL_SRCFILE} ${SCSL_BINFILE} ${PATCHSETFILE} MAINTAINER= phantom@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Java Development Kit 1.5.0 # XXX: iconv dependency? EXTRACT_DEPENDS=zip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/zip BUILD_DEPENDS= gm4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/m4 \ zip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/zip \ ${X11BASE}/lib/libXm.so:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/open-motif RUN_DEPENDS= javavm:${PORTSDIR}/java/javavmwrapper PKGINSTALL= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/control/make JDK_VERSION= 1.5.0 JDK_PATCHSET_VERSION= 1 LATEST_LINK= jdk15 SUN_LINUX_JDK_VERSION= 1.4.2 .if !defined(WITH_LINUX_BOOTSTRAP) NATIVE_BOOTSTRAP_JDKS= ${LOCALBASE}/jdk1.4.2 \ ${LOCALBASE}/jdk1.5.0 .endif LINUX_BOOTSTRAP_JDKS= ${LOCALBASE}/linux-sun-jdk1.4.2 .include # do we have valid native jdk installed? .if !defined(WITH_LINUX_BOOTSTRAP) .for CJDK in ${NATIVE_BOOTSTRAP_JDKS} . if !defined(JDK14DIR) && exists(${CJDK}/bin/javac) JDK14DIR= ${CJDK} . endif .endfor .endif # do we have valid linux jdk installed? .if !defined(JDK14DIR) .for CJDK in ${LINUX_BOOTSTRAP_JDKS} . if !defined(JDK14DIR) && exists(${CJDK}/bin/javac) JDK14DIR= ${CJDK} WITH_LINUX_BOOTSTRAP= YES . endif .endfor .endif # if no valid jdk found, set dependency .if !defined(JDK14DIR) JDK14DIR?= ${LOCALBASE}/linux-sun-jdk${SUN_LINUX_JDK_VERSION} .endif BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${JDK14DIR}/bin/javac:${PORTSDIR}/java/linux-sun-jdk14 # workaround to handle both 'zip' and 'tar.bz2' distfiles USE_ZIP= YES EXTRACT_ONLY= ${SCSL_SRCFILE} ${SCSL_BINFILE} ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 amd64 USE_GMAKE= YES USE_REINPLACE= YES RESTRICTED= "Redistribution of pre-compiled binaries is not permitted" NO_CDROM= "Redistribution of pre-compiled binaries is not permitted" MAKE_ENV= ALT_BOOTDIR="${JDK14DIR}" \ ALT_MOTIF_DIR="${X11BASE}" \ SYS_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ LANG="C" \ JAVA_HOME="" \ CLASSPATH="" \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" \ MAKEFLAGS="" \ SKIP_COMPARE_IMAGES="YES" \ DONT_BUILD_DOCS="YES" \ DONT_BUILD_DEPLOY="YES" \ DONT_BUILD_INSTALL="YES" .if !defined(WITH_IPV6) MAKE_ENV+= DONT_ENABLE_IPV6="YES" .endif ALL_TARGET= all PLIST_FILES= jdk${JDK_VERSION}/jre/.systemPrefs/.system.lock \ jdk${JDK_VERSION}/jre/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile PLIST_DIRS= jdk${JDK_VERSION}/jre/.systemPrefs .if (${ARCH} == amd64) HOTSPOTARCH=amd64 .else HOTSPOTARCH=i586 .endif JDKIMAGEDIR= ${WRKSRC}/../build/bsd-${HOTSPOTARCH}/j2sdk-image JDKIMAGEDIR_G= ${WRKSRC}/../build/bsd-${HOTSPOTARCH}/j2sdk-debug-image PTHREAD_FILES= ../../hotspot/build/bsd/makefiles/vm.make \ ../../j2se/make/com/sun/java/pack/Makefile \ ../../j2se/make/common/Defs.gmk \ ../../j2se/make/common/Defs-bsd.gmk \ ../../j2se/make/common/Program.gmk \ ../../j2se/make/java/hpi/native/Makefile \ ../../j2se/make/java/net/Makefile \ ../../j2se/make/java/nio/Makefile \ ../../j2se/make/jpda/transport/socket/Makefile \ ../../j2se/make/sun/cmm/Makefile \ ../../j2se/make/sun/xawt/Makefile LD_LIBRARY_PATH_FILES= ../../hotspot/src/os/bsd/vm/os_bsd.cpp # Check for JDK sources .if !exists(${DISTDIR}/${SCSL_SRCFILE}) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/printf IGNORE= :\n\ Because of licensing restrictions, you must fetch the source distribution\n\ manually. Please access http://www.sun.com/software/java2/download.html\n\ with a web browser and follow the \"Download\" link for the\n\ \"Java(TM) SDK ${JDK_VERSION}\". You will be required to log in and register,\n\ but you can create an account on this page. After registration and\n\ accepting the Sun Community Source License, select \"J2SESDK\" and\n\ download the source file, ${SCSL_SRCFILE}. Please place this file in\n\ ${DISTDIR}.\n .endif .if !exists(${DISTDIR}/${SCSL_BINFILE}) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/printf IGNORE= :\n\ Because of licensing restrictions, you must fetch the source distribution\n\ manually. Please access http://www.sun.com/software/java2/download.html\n\ with a web browser and follow the \"Download\" link for the\n\ \"Java(TM) SDK ${JDK_VERSION}\". You will be required to log in and register,\n\ but you can create an account on this page. After registration and\n\ accepting the Sun Community Source License, select \"J2SESDK\" and\n\ download the source file, ${SCSL_BINFILE}. Please place this file in\n\ ${DISTDIR}.\n .endif # Check for patchset .if !exists(${DISTDIR}/${PATCHSETFILE}) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/printf IGNORE= :\n\ The source distribution exists on your system, but due to\n\ licensing restrictions you still need to download the\n\ patchset, ${PATCHSETFILE}, from\n\ http://www.eyesbeyond.com/freebsddom/java/jdk15.html.\n\ Please place the patchset in ${DISTDIR}.\n .endif pre-fetch: @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "IMPORTANT: To build JDK 1.5.0 port, you should have at least" @${ECHO_MSG} "1.7Gb of free disk space in build area!" @${ECHO_MSG} .if defined(WITH_LINUX_BOOTSTRAP) @${ECHO_MSG} "IMPORTANT: To build JDK 1.5.0 port, you should have linux emulation" @${ECHO_MSG} "enabled in the kernel and linux procfs (linprocfs) filesystem" @${ECHO_MSG} "mounted." @${ECHO_MSG} .endif @${ECHO_MSG} "Following port compile time options are available:" @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} " WITH_DEBUG - install JDK binaries and libraries" @${ECHO_MSG} " with debuging support" @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} " WITH_IPV6 - enable JDK IPv6 support" @${ECHO_MSG} pre-everything:: @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "WARNING: " @${ECHO_MSG} "WARNING: This is ALPHA quality software, and suitable for testing ONLY!" @${ECHO_MSG} "WARNING: " @${ECHO_MSG} pre-patch: @cd ${WRKDIR} && \ ${BZIP2_CMD} -dc ${DISTDIR}/${PATCHSETFILE} | ${TAR} -xf - && \ ${CHMOD} -R u+w * && \ ${PATCH} -p0 < ${WRKDIR}/jdk15.patches post-patch: @for file in ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH_FILES}; do \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:%%LOCALBASE%%:${LOCALBASE}:" \ ${WRKSRC}/$${file}; \ done @for file in ${PTHREAD_FILES}; do \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:-pthread:${PTHREAD_LIBS}:g" \ ${WRKSRC}/$${file}; \ done .if defined(WITH_LINUX_BOOTSTRAP) pre-build: @if [ "$${WRKDIRPREFIX}" -a \ -L "/compat/linux/$${WRKDIRPREFIX}" -a \ x`${LS} -ld "/compat/linux/$${WRKDIRPREFIX}" 2>/dev/null | awk '/->/{print $$NF;exit 0}END{exit 1}'` = x"$${WRKDIRPREFIX}" ]; \ then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "Please set WRKDIRPREFIX to something which doesn't"; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "have a matching symbolic link in /compat/linux."; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "This is known to cause problems during bootstrapping."; \ exit 1; \ fi @if [ `/sbin/sysctl -n compat.linux.osname` != "Linux" ]; \ then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "Please set the value of the sysctl compat.linux.osname"; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "to 'Linux' with the command:"; \ ${ECHO_MSG} " /sbin/sysctl compat.linux.osname=Linux"; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "Having it set to other values, such as 'FreeBSD',"; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "is known to cause problems during bootstrapping."; \ exit 1; \ fi @if [ "`/sbin/mount | grep ^linprocfs`" = "" ]; \ then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "ERROR: You must have LINPROCFS mounted before" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "starting to build the native JDK 1.5.0." ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "You may do it with the following commands:" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "# kldload linprocfs" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "and" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "# mount -t linprocfs linprocfs /compat/linux/proc" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi .endif do-build: # Start of jdk build @(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${GMAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKE_ARGS} ${ALL_TARGET}) post-build: @# XXX don't install japanese manpages @${RM} -rf ${JDKIMAGEDIR}/man/ja @${RM} -rf ${JDKIMAGEDIR}/man/ja_JP.eucJP pre-install: .if !defined(WITH_DEBUG) @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "Please use \`make -DWITH_DEBUG' if you want to install libraries and binaries" @${ECHO_MSG} "with debugging support." @${ECHO_MSG} .endif do-install: ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/jdk${JDK_VERSION} cd ${JDKIMAGEDIR} && ${FIND} . \ | ${CPIO} -pdmu -R ${LIBOWN}:${LIBGRP} ${PREFIX}/jdk${JDK_VERSION} @${ECHO_MSG} "@unexec ${LOCALBASE}/bin/unregistervm ${PREFIX}/jdk${JDK_VERSION}/bin/java" >> ${TMPPLIST} @${FIND} -s ${JDKIMAGEDIR} -not -type d | \ ${SED} -ne 's#^${JDKIMAGEDIR}#jdk${JDK_VERSION}#p' >> ${TMPPLIST} .if defined(WITH_DEBUG) cd ${JDKIMAGEDIR_G} && ${FIND} . \ | ${CPIO} -pdmu -R ${LIBOWN}:${LIBGRP} ${PREFIX}/jdk${JDK_VERSION} @${FIND} -s ${JDKIMAGEDIR_G} -not -type d | \ ${SED} -ne 's#^${JDKIMAGEDIR}#jdk${JDK_VERSION}#p' >> ${TMPPLIST} .endif @${FIND} -s -d ${PREFIX}/jdk${JDK_VERSION} -type d | \ ${SED} -ne 's#^${PREFIX}/#@dirrm #p' >> ${TMPPLIST} @${ECHO_MSG} "@exec ${LOCALBASE}/bin/registervm ${PREFIX}/jdk${JDK_VERSION}/bin/java # FREEBSD-JDK${JDK_VERSION}" >> ${TMPPLIST} # XXX: put unregistervm into install script ? post-install: @${LOCALBASE}/bin/registervm "${PREFIX}/jdk${JDK_VERSION}/bin/java # FREEBSD-JDK${JDK_VERSION}" @${SED} -e "s:%%JRE_HOME%%:${PREFIX}/jdk${JDK_VERSION}/jre:g" \ < ${FILESDIR}/pkg-install.in > ${PKGINSTALL} @${SETENV} PKG_PREFIX=${PREFIX} ${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PKGNAME} POST-INSTALL .include