GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection includes gcc, g++, g77, and gcj. Beware: This port installs new versions of "gcc", "g++", "c++" and so forth into the "${PREFIX}/bin" directory. Mind your PATHs if you don't want to use this compiler by default. WWW: http://gcc.gnu.org/ rts-gnome/atom/security/chrootuid?h=mate-1.18' type='application/atom+xml'/>
path: root/security/chrootuid
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* -remove MD5ohauer2011-07-031-1/+0
* For ports maintained by ports@FreeBSD.org, remove names and/ordougb2009-12-211-3/+1
* truckman@ has had his port bit taken for safekeeping, therefore, returnlinimon2007-03-04