GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection includes gcc, g++, and g77. This port installs the various front ends as gcc34, g++34, and g77-34 into the ${PREFIX}/bin directory. WWW: http://gcc.gnu.org/ Gerald Pfeifer ts-gnome/atom/graphics/gegl3?h=mate-1.20' type='application/atom+xml'/>
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* graphics/gegl3: Fix conflict with sysutils/coreutilstobik2017-12-302-24/+21
* Security update OpenEXR and ilmbase to 2.2.1.mandree2017-12-011-1/+1
* multimedia/ffmpeg: update to 3.4jbeich2017-10-211-0/+1
* Update gegl3 to 0.3.20.kwm2017-10-213-23/+19
* Update gegl3 to 0.3.18.kwm2017-06-024-226/+20
* Update to 0.6.0sunpoet2017-04-301-1/+1
* - Update graphics/libraw to 0.18.0jhale2017-01-191-1/+1
* graphics/gegl3: unbreak FFMPEG=on runtimejbeich2016-12-122-1/+43
* multimedia/ffmpeg: update to 3.2.2jbeich2016-12-111-1/+1
* graphics/gegl{,3}: fix typos in optionsjbeich2016-07-261-2/+2
* graphics/gegl3: apply r386216 + previous commitjbeich2016-07-261-1/+7
* Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories d, e, f, and g.mat2016-04-011-18/+18
* - Update to 0.5.0sunpoet2016-04-011-0/+1
* Update gegl3 to 3.0.4.kwm2015-12-113-18/+7
* Update gegl3 to 0.3.2.kwm2015-11-243-11/+28
* Update gegl3 to 0.3.0.kwm2015-07-303-42/+16
* Convert to USES=jpegantoine2015-06-231-1/+1