# ex:ts=8 # # $FreeBSD$ # # bsd.pure.mk - Support for the Pure language packages # # Author: Zhihao Yuan <lichray@gmail.com> # # USE_PURE - Set it to 'yes' to use libpure.so. # Others are regarded as a list of *RUN_DEPENDS* # to pure-* addons. For example, # USE_PURE= ffi makes the port depends on pure-ffi at runtime. # USE_PURE_BUILD - Set it to 'yes' to change the addons in USE_PURE # list to *BUILD_DEPENDS*. # NO_PURE_EXAMPLES - Don't automatically install examples/. .if !defined(PURE_include) PURE_MAINTAINER=lichray@gmail.com PURE_include= bsd.pure.mk MASTER_SITES?= http://pure-lang.googlecode.com/files/ DIST_SUBDIR= pure USE_GMAKE= yes _PURE_audio_cat= audio _PURE_csv_cat= textproc _PURE_ffi_cat= devel _PURE_gen_cat= devel _PURE_gen_util= pure-gen _PURE_gl_cat= graphics _PURE_gl_fn= GL _PURE_gtk_cat= x11-toolkits _PURE_mpfr_cat= math _PURE_readline_cat= devel _PURE_sockets_cat= net _PURE_sql3_cat= databases _PURE_tk_cat= x11-toolkits _PURE_xml_cat= textproc .ifdef _PURE_${PORTNAME}_cat CATEGORIES= _PURE_${PORTNAME}_cat .endif .if ${PORTNAME} != pure .if ${USE_PURE} == yes LIB_DEPENDS+= pure.8:${PORTSDIR}/lang/pure .else . for dep in ${USE_PURE} _PURE_LIBDIR= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/pure _PURE_PORTDIR= ${PORTSDIR}/${_PURE_${dep}_cat}/pure-${dep} . ifdef _PURE_${dep}_cat . ifdef _PURE_${dep}_util BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${_PURE_${dep}_util}:${_PURE_PORTDIR} . else . ifdef USE_PURE_BUILD . ifdef _PURE_${dep}_fn BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${_PURE_LIBDIR}/${_PURE_${dep}_fn}.pure:${_PURE_PORTDIR} . else BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${_PURE_LIBDIR}/${dep}.pure:${_PURE_PORTDIR} . endif . endif . ifdef _PURE_${dep}_fn RUN_DEPENDS+= ${_PURE_LIBDIR}/${_PURE_${dep}_fn}.pure:${_PURE_PORTDIR} . else RUN_DEPENDS+= ${_PURE_LIBDIR}/${dep}.pure:${_PURE_PORTDIR} . endif . endif . else . error pure-${dep} is not supported by "bsd.pure.mk" . endif . endfor .endif .endif # PORTNAME != pure MAKE_ARGS+= prefix=${PREFIX} mandir=${PREFIX}/man \ CC=${CC} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ CXX=${CXX} CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS}" \ CPPFLAGS+=-I${LOCALBASE}/include \ LDFLAGS+=-L${LOCALBASE}/lib .if ${PORTNAME:Mpure-*} !="" && !defined(NO_PURE_EXAMPLES) PORTEXAMPLES= * post-install: .if !defined(NOPORTEXAMPLES) @${MKDIR} ${EXAMPLESDIR} (cd ${WRKSRC}/examples/ && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} \* ${EXAMPLESDIR}) .endif .endif .endif #!defined(PURE_include)