 Reporting problems, asking questions:
 - FreeBSD specific port-related problems/questions/paches: maintainer
(and ports@ if you fell the need); send-pr only if you get no timely reply
 - dspam specific questions: dspam/dspam-dev mailling list (maintainer cc'ed)
 - dspam specific patches: dspam/dspam-dev mailling list (maintainer cc'ed if)
 Please be sure to include in your email/pr relevant information such as:
 uname -a, dspam --version, /var/db/ports/dspam-devel/options, MTA setup.

%%CGI%% The CGI files had been installed in
%%CGI%% %%CGI_PATH%%
%%CGI%% Copy
%%CGI%% %%CGI_PATH%%/default.prefs.sample
%%CGI%% to
%%CGI%% %%CGI_PATH%%/default.prefs
%%CGI%% and edit it to your needs.
%%CGI%% Copy
%%CGI%% %%CGI_PATH%%/configure.pl.sample
%%CGI%% to
%%CGI%% %%CGI_PATH%%/configure.pl
%%CGI%% and edit it to your needs.
%%CGI%% If you symlink this file in %%DSPAM_HOME%%/
%%CGI%% an administrator can edit these options in the DSPAM Admin Suite.
%%CGI%% Define administrators by copying 
%%CGI%% %%CGI_PATH%%/admins.sample
%%CGI%% to
%%CGI%% %%CGI_PATH%%/admins 
%%CGI%% and edit the file to your needs. 
%%CGI%% If you have problems (after upgrading) check permissions.
%%DAEMON%% To enable the dspam deamon put dspam_enable="YES" in your
%%DAEMON%% /etc/rc.conf

 You'll find additionl setup instructions under