*** GmailConfig.py.orig Sun Sep 25 19:12:11 2005 --- GmailConfig.py Wed Sep 28 22:27:48 2005 *************** *** 18,24 **** configElements = None # Declare global variables for configuration as dictionary ! options = { "gmailusername":None, "gmailpassword":None, "browserpath":"firefox", "lang":"English", "voffset":0, "hoffset":0, "checkinterval":20000, "animationdelay":15, "popuptimespan":5000} --- 18,24 ---- configElements = None # Declare global variables for configuration as dictionary ! options = { "gmailusername":None, "gmailpassword":None, "browserpath":"firefox", "lang":"English", "actionpath":"play", "voffset":0, "hoffset":0, "checkinterval":20000, "animationdelay":15, "popuptimespan":5000} *************** *** 36,43 **** self.window.set_title( self.lang.get_string(1) ) self.window.set_border_width( 5 ) self.window.set_position( gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER ) ! self.window.set_modal( gtk.TRUE ) ! self.window.set_resizable(gtk.FALSE) icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(ICON_PATH) gtk.window_set_default_icon_list( (icon) ) --- 36,43 ---- self.window.set_title( self.lang.get_string(1) ) self.window.set_border_width( 5 ) self.window.set_position( gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER ) ! self.window.set_modal( True ) ! self.window.set_resizable(False) icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(ICON_PATH) gtk.window_set_default_icon_list( (icon) ) *************** *** 49,54 **** --- 49,55 ---- ["gmailusername",2,None,None], ["gmailpassword",22,None,None], ["browserpath",3,None,None], + ["actionpath",99,None,None], ["voffset",28,None,None], ["hoffset",27,None,None], ["checkinterval",31,None,None], *************** *** 57,63 **** ] # Create table and attach to window ! table = gtk.Table( rows=11, columns=2, homogeneous=gtk.FALSE ) self.window.add(table) --- 58,64 ---- ] # Create table and attach to window ! table = gtk.Table( rows=12, columns=2, homogeneous=False ) self.window.add(table) *************** *** 74,80 **** textbox.set_text( str( self.options[curVar] ) ) if ( curVar == "gmailpassword" ): ! textbox.set_visibility( gtk.FALSE ) textbox.set_invisible_char( '*' ) # Store widget in element array --- 75,81 ---- textbox.set_text( str( self.options[curVar] ) ) if ( curVar == "gmailpassword" ): ! textbox.set_visibility( False ) textbox.set_invisible_char( '*' ) # Store widget in element array *************** *** 109,120 **** if ( self.readLoginFromFile ): ! self.savePassword.set_active( gtk.TRUE ) else: ! self.savePassword.set_active( gtk.FALSE ) self.savePassword.show() ! table.attach( alignment, 0, 2, 9, 10 ) alignment.show() # Add combobox to select language --- 110,121 ---- if ( self.readLoginFromFile ): ! self.savePassword.set_active( True ) else: ! self.savePassword.set_active( False ) self.savePassword.show() ! table.attach( alignment, 0, 2, 10, 11 ) alignment.show() # Add combobox to select language *************** *** 129,142 **** self.cbo_langs.append_text( one_lang.get_name()) self.cbo_langs.set_active(0) # Attach combobox and label ! table.attach( self.lbl_langs, 0, 1, 8, 9 ) self.lbl_langs.show() ! table.attach( self.cbo_langs, 1, 2, 8, 9, ypadding=5 ) self.cbo_langs.show() # Add 'Close' button button = gtk.Button( stock=gtk.STOCK_OK ) ! table.attach( button, 0, 2, 10, 11, ypadding=2 ) button.connect( "clicked", self.onOkay ) button.show() --- 130,143 ---- self.cbo_langs.append_text( one_lang.get_name()) self.cbo_langs.set_active(0) # Attach combobox and label ! table.attach( self.lbl_langs, 0, 1, 9, 10 ) self.lbl_langs.show() ! table.attach( self.cbo_langs, 1, 2, 9, 10, xpadding=0, ypadding=5 ) self.cbo_langs.show() # Add 'Close' button button = gtk.Button( stock=gtk.STOCK_OK ) ! table.attach( button, 0, 2, 11, 12, xpadding=0, ypadding=2 ) button.connect( "clicked", self.onOkay ) button.show() *************** *** 206,212 **** def onDelete( self, widget, data=None ): gtk.main_quit() self.hide() ! return gtk.TRUE def onOkay( self, widget, callback_data=None ): errorString = "" --- 207,213 ---- def onDelete( self, widget, data=None ): gtk.main_quit() self.hide() ! return True def onOkay( self, widget, callback_data=None ): errorString = ""