# New ports collection makefile for: matrix # Date created: 27 March 2001 # Whom: Anton Voronin # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= matrix PORTVERSION= 1.0 CATEGORIES= math devel MASTER_SITES= http://www.chelcom.ru/~anton/projects/files/ DISTNAME= matrix-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= anton@chelcom.ru COMMENT= C++ library to manipulate matrices and vectors WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/matrix USE_ZIP= yes USE_LDCONFIG= yes PLIST_SUB= LIBVERSION=1 .include .if ${ARCH} == "amd64" BROKEN= Does not build on amd64 (shared libraries must be compiled with -fPIC) .endif .include ebsd-ports-gnome' title='freebsd-ports-gnome Git repository'/>
path: root/net/vino