# $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= rocs PORTVERSION= ${KDE4_VERSION} PORTREVISION= 10 CATEGORIES= math kde kde-kde4 MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= KDE Graph theory IDE LIB_DEPENDS= libboost_thread.so:devel/boost-libs USES= cmake:outsource grantlee:4 kde:4 tar:xz USE_KDE= kdelibs automoc4 USE_QT4= gui qtestlib script scripttools webkit xml \ moc_build qmake_build rcc_build uic_build USE_LDCONFIG= yes # clang 6.0 defaults to -std=gnu++14, which breaks the build: # /wrkdirs/usr/ports/math/rocs/work/rocs-4.14.3/VisualEditor/Actions/SelectMoveHandAction.cpp:86:52: error: no viable conversion from 'int' to 'QPainter::RenderHints' (aka 'QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>') # _graphScene->views().at(0)->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing USE_CXXSTD= gnu++98 .include <bsd.port.mk>