###################################################################### Unlike to windows systems, saga_cmd should be instantly available in the shell as it is usually installed in %%PREFIX%%/bin. Next you have to set the environmental variable SAGA_MLB to make SAGA know where the SAGA module libraries exist on your system. You can do this permanently by adding the following command to your .bashrc file or by defining it temporarily on the command line before executing SAGA CMD: export SAGA_MLB=/yourPathToSAGA_modules e.g.: export SAGA_MLB=%%PREFIX%%/lib/saga Now your system is prepared for using SAGA CMD to execute SAGA modules. ###################################################################### From SAGA GIS 2.2.0 on, there is some example and test data installed. Predefined ToolChains are located at %%DATADIR%%/toolchains/ Python scripts with examples, helpers and test data reside at %%DATADIR%%/scripting/python/ ######################################################################