# Created by: Marie Loise Nolden # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= doc DISTVERSION= ${QT5_VERSION} CATEGORIES= misc MASTER_SITES= QT/official_releases/qt/${QT5_VERSION:R}/${QT5_VERSION}/single PKGNAMEPREFIX= qt5- DISTNAME= qt-everywhere-opensource-src-${QT5_VERSION} DIST_SUBDIR= KDE/Qt/${QT5_VERSION} MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Qt 5 documentation USES= gmake python:build qmake:norecursive,outsource tar:xz USE_QT5= buildtools_build concurrent_build help_build qdoc_build QMAKE_SOURCE_PATH= ${WRKSRC}/qt.pro ALL_TARGET= docs DESCR= ${.CURDIR:H:H}/devel/qt5/pkg-descr NO_ARCH= yes # The default qconfig.pri that qmake reads comes from devel/qt5-core and thus # disables a lot of items. We re-enable the most important ones below so that # we do not end up without documentation for QtGui and QtWidgets. QMAKE_ARGS= QT_CONFIG-="no-gui no-widgets" # We need to invoke the qmake symlink we create in the pre-configure target so # that it reads the qt.conf installed alongside it. _QMAKE= ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin/qmake SUB_FILES= qt.conf SUB_LIST= BUILD_WRKSRC=${BUILD_WRKSRC} \ QT_DOCDIR=${QT_DOCDIR} pre-configure: apply-slist ${MKDIR} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin ${LN} -sf ${MOC} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin/moc ${LN} -sf ${UIC} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin/uic ${LN} -sf ${RCC} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin/rcc ${LN} -sf ${QMAKE} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin/qmake ${LN} -sf ${QT_BINDIR}/qdoc ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin/qdoc ${LN} -sf ${QT_BINDIR}/qhelpgenerator ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin/qhelpgenerator ${CP} -Rp ${QT_MKSPECDIR} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/mkspecs ${CP} ${WRKDIR}/qt.conf ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/bin/qt.conf post-patch: # qtdeclarative.pro wants to run python, replace that with PYTHON_CMD ${REINPLACE_CMD} '/py_out/s#python#${PYTHON_CMD}#g' \ ${WRKSRC}/qtdeclarative/qtdeclarative.pro do-install: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${QT_DOCDIR} && \ cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/qtbase/doc && \ ${COPYTREE_SHARE} \* ${STAGEDIR}${QT_DOCDIR} .include