TET (Test Execution Toolkit) from the X/Open Consortium is a multi-platform
test scaffold for both distributed and non-distributed test suites.
TET allows the production of test suites sharing a common interface,
promoting sharing of test suites within and across organizations.

It allows facilities to execute test cases in several ways:
	- Execution of non-distributed test cases on the local system.
	- Execution of non-distributed test cases on one or more remote 
	- Execution of distributed test cases with the parts of each test 
	  case executing simultaneously on either the local system and one 
	  or more remote systems, or entirely on two or more remote systems.
	- Execution of a single test case selected at random from a list of 
	  test cases. 
	- Combinations of the above elements executing in parallel.
	- Sequences of the above elements executing a specified number of 
	  times or until some time period has expired.

WWW: http://tetworks.opengroup.org/Products/tet.html