This plugin extends the remote control capabilities of vdr.
The following remote control devices are supported:

(a) Linux input device driver ('/dev/input/eventX', X=0,1,2,...)
    (currently not supported on FreeBSD)

(b) keyboard (tty driver): /dev/console, /dev/ttyX

(c) TCP connection (telnet)

(d) LIRC

(e) some(?) FreeBSD uhid(4) devices (experimental support added by this port)
    To use, add something like this to vdr_flags: '-Premote -h /dev/uhid0',
    (re)start vdr, then the osd should ask you to configure the
    remote by pressing the buttons you want to assign.

    Note:  If your remote is detected as a keyboard you'll have to
    tell ukbd(4) to ignore it first by doing (as root) something like:

	usbconfig add_dev_quirk_vplh 0x1241 0xe000 0 0xffff UQ_KBD_IGNORE

    (and possibly unplug it for a moment or reset it via usbconfig,
    0x1241 there is the vendor id, 0xe000 the product id of the
    device, you can get yours by doing

	usbconfig -d 1.2 dump_device_desc

    and looking for idVendor and idProduct, -d 1.2 there corresponds
    to ugen1.2 listed by usbconfig w/o args.)

    You can check with:

	usbconfig show_ifdrv

    if the device is then listed as ugen...: uhid... you're good to go.

    2nd note:  If vdr cannot open your uhid device check it is not claimed
    by xorg:

	fstat |grep uhid

    If it is you may need an xorg.conf(5) with manually defined
    InputDevice sections for mouse and keyboard and

	Option		"AutoAddDevices" "False"

    in the ServerFlags section.

    And if for some reason you want to reassign the buttons on the
    remote you can stop vdr and do:

	touch /usr/local/etc/vdr/channels.conf

    and/or remove uhid entries from

	/usr/local/etc/vdr/remote.conf .

    When you then start vdr again it should ask to configure the
    remote again.