
  This port supports custom Asterisk configurations using a *user-supplied*
  menuselect.makeopt file. 

  This feature is of most value for users that want to disable or override
  default functionality that they dont want or need, particular in space
  and/or resource constrained, or embedded environments.

  If a file named ".asterisk.makeopts" is found in the ports files/
  directory, its contents will be used to configure Asterisk at the 
  post-configure stage.

  If the file is *not* found, the port will default to a 'normal' Asterisk
  menuselect configuration, and only execute menuselect commands according
  to what port OPTIONS the user has selected.

  The format of this file is the same as the output of a standard
  `make menuselect` command, as per standard build instructions for

  NOTE: The contents of this file *MUST* be syntactically and semantically
        valid, as the port does *NOT* perform validation of this file. 

        In particular, ensure that all Asterisk options have their
        dependencies met, using the corresponding port OPTIONS dependencies.

  The `menuselect --check-deps` command can be used to verify the

  The following related documentation resources are also available:

    * https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Using+Menuselect+to+Select+Asterisk+Options
    * http://www.asteriskdocs.org/en/3rd_Edition/asterisk-book-html-chunk/installing_base_configuration.html#Installing_id293213
