Install instructions for DHIS server rel5.1 for FreeBSD ======================================================= dhisd is the DHIS server, meant to permit updating external databases with dynamically assiged IP addresses to clients. In order to build the dhisd server the following requirements must be met: The machine must be permanently connected to the internet with a static IP address. The machine which will act as a server should be running a distribution of UNIX or similar system. For full information, read the INSTALL file in /usr/local/share/doc/dhisd Setting up the server Create the database file which will hold information for current dynamic hosts: Change directory to /usr/local/etc/dhis Create a text file named dhis.db with a text editor. You can copy the dhis.db.sample to dhis.db as a starting point. Change the permissions as you wish. In particular dhis.db should not be readable by anyone. Suggested example: chmod 700 /usr/local/etc/dhis /usr/local/etc/dhis/* chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/dhis/dhis.db Now create /usr/local/etc/dhis/services.db As before, you can copy the included services.db.sample as a starting point. Insert one line per module implemented. See MODULES for a detailed description of the modular architecture and services.db format. See the README file for more information on the server and MODULES for information on the new modular structure of the server. For starting the server, you can use the following script: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ It has the following options: start start the server restart restart the server (after changing the db) stop stop the server And that's it. The DHIS server is installed.