# New ports collection makefile for: lam # Date created: Aug 21 2001 # Whom: bremner@unb.ca # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= lam PORTVERSION= 7.1.5b2 CATEGORIES= net parallel MASTER_SITES= http://www.lam-mpi.org/download/files/ \ http://www.thinkingnerds.com/lam/download/files/ MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Local Area Multicomputer MPI implementation USE_BZIP2= yes USE_PERL5= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-rsh=ssh --without-fc USE_LDCONFIG= yes MAN1= hboot.1 \ hcc.1 \ hcp.1 \ hf77.1 \ introu.1 \ lamboot.1 \ lamcheckpoint.1 \ lamclean.1 \ lamd.1 \ lamexec.1 \ lamgrow.1 \ lamhalt.1 \ laminfo.1 \ lamnodes.1 \ lamrestart.1 \ lamshrink.1 \ lamtrace.1 \ lamwipe.1 \ mpiCC.1 \ mpic++.1 \ mpicc.1 \ mpiexec.1 \ mpif77.1 \ mpimsg.1 \ mpirun.1 \ mpitask.1 \ recon.1 \ tkill.1 \ tping.1 \ wipe.1 MAN3= MPIL_Comm_gps.3 \ MPIL_Comm_id.3 \ MPIL_Request_get_name.3 \ MPIL_Request_set_name.3 \ MPIL_Signal.3 \ MPIL_Trace_off.3 \ MPIL_Trace_on.3 \ MPIL_Type_id.3 \ MPIO_Request_c2f.3 \ MPIO_Request_f2c.3 \ MPIO_Test.3 \ MPIO_Wait.3 \ MPI_Abort.3 \ MPI_Accumulate.3 \ MPI_Address.3 \ MPI_Allgather.3 \ MPI_Allgatherv.3 \ MPI_Alloc_mem.3 \ MPI_Allreduce.3 \ MPI_Alltoall.3 \ MPI_Alltoallv.3 \ MPI_Alltoallw.3 \ MPI_Attr_delete.3 \ MPI_Attr_get.3 \ MPI_Attr_put.3 \ MPI_Barrier.3 \ MPI_Bcast.3 \ MPI_Bsend.3 \ MPI_Bsend_init.3 \ MPI_Buffer_attach.3 \ MPI_Buffer_detach.3 \ MPI_COMM_DUP_FN.3 \ MPI_Cancel.3 \ MPI_Cart_coords.3 \ MPI_Cart_create.3 \ MPI_Cart_get.3 \ MPI_Cart_map.3 \ MPI_Cart_rank.3 \ MPI_Cart_shift.3 \ MPI_Cart_sub.3 \ MPI_Cartdim_get.3 \ MPI_Close_port.3 \ MPI_Comm_accept.3 \ MPI_Comm_c2f.3 \ MPI_Comm_compare.3 \ MPI_Comm_connect.3 \ MPI_Comm_create.3 \ MPI_Comm_create_errhandler.3 \ MPI_Comm_create_keyval.3 \ MPI_Comm_delete_attr.3 \ MPI_Comm_disconnect.3 \ MPI_Comm_dup.3 \ MPI_Comm_f2c.3 \ MPI_Comm_free.3 \ MPI_Comm_free_keyval.3 \ MPI_Comm_get_attr.3 \ MPI_Comm_get_errhandler.3 \ MPI_Comm_get_name.3 \ MPI_Comm_get_parent.3 \ MPI_Comm_group.3 \ MPI_Comm_join.3 \ MPI_Comm_rank.3 \ MPI_Comm_remote_group.3 \ MPI_Comm_remote_size.3 \ MPI_Comm_ser_errhandler.3 \ MPI_Comm_set_attr.3 \ MPI_Comm_set_name.3 \ MPI_Comm_size.3 \ MPI_Comm_spawn.3 \ MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple.3 \ MPI_Comm_split.3 \ MPI_Comm_test_inter.3 \ MPI_DUP_FN.3 \ MPI_Dims_create.3 \ MPI_Errhandler_c2f.3 \ MPI_Errhandler_create.3 \ MPI_Errhandler_f2c.3 \ MPI_Errhandler_free.3 \ MPI_Errhandler_get.3 \ MPI_Errhandler_set.3 \ MPI_Error_class.3 \ MPI_Error_string.3 \ MPI_Exscan.3 \ MPI_File_c2f.3 \ MPI_File_close.3 \ MPI_File_delete.3 \ MPI_File_f2c.3 \ MPI_File_get_amode.3 \ MPI_File_get_atomicity.3 \ MPI_File_get_byte_offset.3 \ MPI_File_get_errhandler.3 \ MPI_File_get_group.3 \ MPI_File_get_info.3 \ MPI_File_get_position.3 \ MPI_File_get_position_shared.3 \ MPI_File_get_size.3 \ MPI_File_get_type_extent.3 \ MPI_File_get_view.3 \ MPI_File_iread.3 \ MPI_File_iread_at.3 \ MPI_File_iread_shared.3 \ MPI_File_iwrite.3 \ MPI_File_iwrite_at.3 \ MPI_File_iwrite_shared.3 \ MPI_File_open.3 \ MPI_File_preallocate.3 \ MPI_File_read.3 \ MPI_File_read_all.3 \ MPI_File_read_all_begin.3 \ MPI_File_read_all_end.3 \ MPI_File_read_at.3 \ MPI_File_read_at_all.3 \ MPI_File_read_at_all_begin.3 \ MPI_File_read_at_all_end.3 \ MPI_File_read_ordered.3 \ MPI_File_read_ordered_begin.3 \ MPI_File_read_ordered_end.3 \ MPI_File_read_shared.3 \ MPI_File_seek.3 \ MPI_File_seek_shared.3 \ MPI_File_set_atomicity.3 \ MPI_File_set_errhandler.3 \ MPI_File_set_info.3 \ MPI_File_set_size.3 \ MPI_File_set_view.3 \ MPI_File_sync.3 \ MPI_File_write.3 \ MPI_File_write_all.3 \ MPI_File_write_all_begin.3 \ MPI_File_write_all_end.3 \ MPI_File_write_at.3 \ MPI_File_write_at_all.3 \ MPI_File_write_at_all_begin.3 \ MPI_File_write_at_all_end.3 \ MPI_File_write_ordered.3 \ MPI_File_write_ordered_begin.3 \ MPI_File_write_ordered_end.3 \ MPI_File_write_shared.3 \ MPI_Finalize.3 \ MPI_Finalized.3 \ MPI_Free_mem.3 \ MPI_Gather.3 \ MPI_Gatherv.3 \ MPI_Get.3 \ MPI_Get_address.3 \ MPI_Get_count.3 \ MPI_Get_elements.3 \ MPI_Get_processor_name.3 \ MPI_Get_version.3 \ MPI_Graph_create.3 \ MPI_Graph_get.3 \ MPI_Graph_map.3 \ MPI_Graph_neighbors.3 \ MPI_Graph_neighbors_count.3 \ MPI_Graphdims_get.3 \ MPI_Group_c2f.3 \ MPI_Group_compare.3 \ MPI_Group_difference.3 \ MPI_Group_excl.3 \ MPI_Group_f2c.3 \ MPI_Group_free.3 \ MPI_Group_incl.3 \ MPI_Group_intersection.3 \ MPI_Group_range_excl.3 \ MPI_Group_range_incl.3 \ MPI_Group_rank.3 \ MPI_Group_size.3 \ MPI_Group_translate_ranks.3 \ MPI_Group_union.3 \ MPI_Ibsend.3 \ MPI_Info_c2f.3 \ MPI_Info_create.3 \ MPI_Info_delete.3 \ MPI_Info_dup.3 \ MPI_Info_f2c.3 \ MPI_Info_free.3 \ MPI_Info_get.3 \ MPI_Info_get_nkeys.3 \ MPI_Info_get_nthkey.3 \ MPI_Info_get_valuelen.3 \ MPI_Info_set.3 \ MPI_Init.3 \ MPI_Init_thread.3 \ MPI_Initialized.3 \ MPI_Intercomm_create.3 \ MPI_Intercomm_merge.3 \ MPI_Iprobe.3 \ MPI_Irecv.3 \ MPI_Irsend.3 \ MPI_Is_thread_main.3 \ MPI_Isend.3 \ MPI_Issend.3 \ MPI_Keyval_create.3 \ MPI_Keyval_free.3 \ MPI_Lookup_name.3 \ MPI_Op_c2f.3 \ MPI_Op_create.3 \ MPI_Op_f2c.3 \ MPI_Op_free.3 \ MPI_Open_port.3 \ MPI_Pack.3 \ MPI_Pack_size.3 \ MPI_Pcontrol.3 \ MPI_Probe.3 \ MPI_Publish_name.3 \ MPI_Put.3 \ MPI_Query_thread.3 \ MPI_Recv.3 \ MPI_Recv_init.3 \ MPI_Reduce.3 \ MPI_Reduce_scatter.3 \ MPI_Request_c2f.3 \ MPI_Request_f2c.3 \ MPI_Request_free.3 \ MPI_Rsend.3 \ MPI_Rsend_init.3 \ MPI_Scan.3 \ MPI_Scatter.3 \ MPI_Scatterv.3 \ MPI_Send.3 \ MPI_Send_init.3 \ MPI_Sendrecv.3 \ MPI_Sendrecv_replace.3 \ MPI_Ssend.3 \ MPI_Ssend_init.3 \ MPI_Start.3 \ MPI_Startall.3 \ MPI_Status_c2f.3 \ MPI_Status_f2c.3 \ MPI_TYPE_DUP_FN.3 \ MPI_Test.3 \ MPI_Test_cancelled.3 \ MPI_Testall.3 \ MPI_Testany.3 \ MPI_Testsome.3 \ MPI_Topo_test.3 \ MPI_Type_c2f.3 \ MPI_Type_commit.3 \ MPI_Type_contiguous.3 \ MPI_Type_create_darray.3 \ MPI_Type_create_extent.3 \ MPI_Type_create_hindexed.3 \ MPI_Type_create_hvector.3 \ MPI_Type_create_keyval.3 \ MPI_Type_create_struct.3 \ MPI_Type_create_subarray.3 \ MPI_Type_delete_attr.3 \ MPI_Type_dup.3 \ MPI_Type_extent.3 \ MPI_Type_f2c.3 \ MPI_Type_free.3 \ MPI_Type_free_keyval.3 \ MPI_Type_get_attr.3 \ MPI_Type_get_contents.3 \ MPI_Type_get_envelope.3 \ MPI_Type_get_extent.3 \ MPI_Type_get_name.3 \ MPI_Type_get_true_extent.3 \ MPI_Type_hindexed.3 \ MPI_Type_hvector.3 \ MPI_Type_indexed.3 \ MPI_Type_lb.3 \ MPI_Type_set_attr.3 \ MPI_Type_set_name.3 \ MPI_Type_size.3 \ MPI_Type_struct.3 \ MPI_Type_ub.3 \ MPI_Type_vector.3 \ MPI_Unpack.3 \ MPI_WIN_DUP_FN.3 \ MPI_Wait.3 \ MPI_Waitall.3 \ MPI_Waitany.3 \ MPI_Waitsome.3 \ MPI_Win_Lock.3 \ MPI_Win_Test.3 \ MPI_Win_c2f.3 \ MPI_Win_call_errhandler.3 \ MPI_Win_complete.3 \ MPI_Win_create.3 \ MPI_Win_create_errhandler.3 \ MPI_Win_create_keyval.3 \ MPI_Win_delete_attr.3 \ MPI_Win_f2c.3 \ MPI_Win_fence.3 \ MPI_Win_free.3 \ MPI_Win_free_keyval.3 \ MPI_Win_get_attr.3 \ MPI_Win_get_errhandler.3 \ MPI_Win_get_group.3 \ MPI_Win_get_name.3 \ MPI_Win_post.3 \ MPI_Win_set_attr.3 \ MPI_Win_set_errhandler.3 \ MPI_Win_set_name.3 \ MPI_Win_start.3 \ MPI_Win_unlock.3 \ MPI_Win_wait.3 \ MPI_Wtick.3 \ MPI_Wtime.3 \ XMPI_Buoy.3 \ XMPI_Coloroff.3 \ XMPI_Coloron.3 MAN5= CONSTANTS.5 \ appschema.5 \ bhost.5 \ conf.5 \ lam-helpfile.5 \ procschema.5 MAN7= LAM.7 \ MPI.7 \ lam.7 \ lamssi.7 \ lamssi_boot.7 \ lamssi_coll.7 \ lamssi_cr.7 \ lamssi_rpi.7 \ libmpi.7 \ mpi.7 .include .if ${ARCH} == "i386" PLIST_SUB+= I386="" .else # Note: to enable TotalView on 64 bits platforms, # --enable-tv-dll-force should be added to CONFIGURE_ARGS PLIST_SUB+= I386="@comment " .endif pre-configure: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|/usr/bin/env perl|${PERL} -w| ; \ s|use warnings;||' ${WRKSRC}/tools/mpiexec/mpiexec post-install: .if ${ARCH} != "i386" && ${ARCH} != "powerpc" ${RMDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/lam .endif .if defined(MAINTAINER_MODE) regression-test: install (cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/examples; \ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKE_ARGS} ${ALL_TARGET}) .endif .include +0800'>2012-07-011-2/+2 * KDE/FreeBSD team presents KDE SC 4.8.4, probably the last release in 4.8.x se...makc2012-06-153-3/+19 * - Convert all remaining instances of BUILD_DEPENDS=${RUN_DEPENDS} orswills2012-06-111-1/+1 * Set maintainership back to ports@cs2012-06-031-1/+1 * - update png to 1.5.10dinoex2012-06-012-1/+2 * - Remove koffice-i18n ports, as they are not very useful withoutavilla2012-05-315-55/+0 * KDE/FreeBSD team presents long awaited KDE SC 4.8.3!makc2012-05-252-9/+13 * - upgrade to 3.5.2bapt2012-04-234-0/+19 * The KDE/FreeBSD team is pleased to announce KDE SC 4.7.4, whichavilla2012-01-251-2/+2 * - Fix WWW addressnivit2011-12-141-1/+1 * - Pass maintainership to office@FreeBSD.orgsunpoet2011-11-291-1/+1 * The KDE on FreeBSD team is pleased to update the KDE4 ports to 4.7.3.rakuco2011-11-141-2/+2 * The KDE/FreeBSD team is pleased to announce KDE Software Compilationavilla2011-10-172-7/+4 * Change maintainer address to my FreeBSD addresscs2011-09-151-1/+1 * Reset maintainership de jure. In fact KDE 3 has not been maintained by our teammakc2011-07-082-2/+2 * Update KDE Software Compilation ports to 4.6.5makc2011-07-082-2/+34 * - kick MD5miwi2011-07-021-1/+0 * The FreeBSD KDE Team is pleased to announce KDE SC 4.6.4. Read fullavilla2011-06-141-2/+2 * Update KDE Software Compilation ports to 4.6.3makc2011-05-172-2/+19 * Bump PORTREVISION after open-mofit updatemakc2011-05-021-1/+1 * The FreeBSD KDE Team is pleased to announce April updates for KDEavilla2011-04-072-2/+19 * The FreeBSD KDE Team is pleased to announce KDE SC 4.6.1 and KDE PIMavilla2011-03-252-16/+9 * - Get Rid MD5 supportmiwi2011-03-195-5/+0 * - Remove unnecessary PKGNAMEPREFIX declarationsunpoet2011-01-094-4/+0 * - The KDE FreeBSD team is proud to announce the release of KDE 4.5.5fluffy2011-01-081-2/+2 * KDE FreeBSD team presents KDE SC 4.5.4.makc2010-12-031-2/+2 * KDE FreeBSD team presents KDE SC 4.5.3.makc2010-11-041-3/+2 * KDE FreeBSD team presents KDE SC 4.5.2.makc2010-10-061-3/+3 * Autotools update. Read ports/UPDATING 20100915 for details.ade2010-09-162-4/+2 * KDE FreeBSD team presents KDE SC 4.5.1.makc2010-09-032-74/+34 * Present KDE SC 4.4.5 for FreeBSD.makc2010-06-301-3/+3 * - Update to 2.01.stefan2010-06-284-16/+21 * Present KDE SC 4.4.4 for FreeBSD.makc2010-06-021-3/+3 * Bounce PORTREVISION for gettext-related ports. Have fun, ya'll.ade2010-05-312-2/+2 * Convert LDCONFIG_DIRS to USE_LDCONFIG for unmaintained ports.makc2010-05-241-2/+1 * - The FreeBSD KDE team is pleased to announce KDE SC 4.4.3 for FreeBSDfluffy2010-05-113-28/+11 * - update to 1.4.1dinoex2010-03-284-3/+4 * Presenting KDE 4.3.5 for FreeBSD. The official release notes for thismiwi2010-02-072-4/+3 * - update to jpeg-8dinoex2010-02-054-3/+4 * - Update to 0.7.0wen2010-01-104-50/+6 * - Update to 1.6.2wen2010-01-103-8/+6 * - SUB_FILES += pkg-messagepgollucci2010-01-082-9/+9 * - SUB_FILES += pkg-messagepgollucci2010-01-083-18/+18 * - Use SUB_FILES for pkg-messagepgollucci2010-01-072-3/+3 * The FreeBSD KDE is please to announce the release of KDE 4.3.4,miwi2009-12-021-3/+3 * The KDE FreeBSD team is proud to announce the release of KDE 4.3.3miwi2009-11-272-5/+5 * - Mark MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFEpav2009-11-201-0/+1 * The FreeBSD KDE is please to announce the release of KDE 4.3.1,tabthorpe2009-09-022-6/+6 * - Switch SourceForge ports to the new File Release System: categories startin...amdmi32009-08-224-7/+4 * Reset sbahra at his request due to lack of time to work on these ports.linimon2009-08-209-18/+6 * clean upmakc2009-08-081-4/+1 * The KDE FreeBSD team is proud to announce the release of KDE 4.3.0miwi2009-08-053-17/+93 * - bump all port that indirectly depends on libjpeg and have not yet been bump...dinoex2009-07-314-2/+4 * The KDE FreeBSD team is pleased to announce KDE 4.2.4, the last bugfixmiwi2009-06-031-3/+3 * Update KDE ports to 4.2.3makc2009-05-101-3/+3 * The KDE FreeBSD team is proud to announce the release of KDE 4.2.2miwi2009-04-022-7/+3 * Update KDE to 4.2.1.makc2009-03-091-3/+3 * The KDE FreeBSD team is proud to announce the release of KDE 4.2.0miwi2009-02-095-290/+275 * The KDE FreeBSD team is proud to announce the releasemiwi2008-08-292-6/+6 * The KDE FreeBSD team is proud to announce the releasemiwi2008-08-182-6/+6 * PHP Documentation in these language has been removed from the distribution.edwin2008-08-042-14/+0 * - Update WWW sitenivit2008-07-291-1/+1 * Bump portrevision due to upgrade of devel/gettext.edwin2008-06-062-1/+2 * Removal of arabic/katoobedwin2008-04-309-129/+0 * - Remove unneeded dependency from gtk12/gtk20 [1]miwi2008-04-2010-35/+34 * - Remove USE_XLIB/USE_X_PREFIX/USE_XPM in favor of USE_XORGmiwi2008-03-261-2/+1 * - Remove USE_XLIB/USE_X_PREFIX/USE_XPM in favor of USE_XORGmiwi2008-03-251-2/+1 * - Remove USE_GETOPT_LONG which is a no-op since March 2007pav2008-03-201-1/+0 * Fix distfile location for outdated koffice-l10ns.lofi2007-11-091-1/+1 * Update to KDE 3.5.8lofi2007-10-304-8/+6 * Presenting GNOME 2.20.1 and all related works for FreeBSD. The officialmarcus2007-10-252-13/+14 * Revert more PORTREVISION accidentslofi2007-07-051-0/+1 * Update to KDE 3.5.7 / KOffice 1.6.3lofi2007-07-047-11/+286 * BROKEN with gcc 4.2kris2007-05-271-0/+4 * - Welcome X.org 7.2 \o/.flz2007-05-2010-3/+9 * Release maintainerships.thierry2007-03-161-1/+1 * Update to KDE 3.5.6 / KOffice 1.6.2lofi2007-03-142-6/+6 * Update maintainer's email address.linimon2007-03-076-6/+6 * Really normalize Aspell dictionaries ports PKGVERSION...thierry2007-02-151-0/+1 * Add Aspell Arabic dictionaries.thierry2007-02-135-0/+32 * Update to KDE 3.5.5 / KOffice 1.6.1lofi2006-12-202-6/+6 * - Updated email address in my portsnivit2006-12-101-1/+1 * Chase the GNOME X11BASE to LOCALBASE move, and fix the build with themarcus2006-10-142-3/+6 * Run ttmkfdir in a writable directory and unbreak.thierry2006-10-031-8/+4 * Run ttmkfdir in a writable directory and unbreak.thierry2006-10-031-7/+3 * KDE 3.5.4 / KOffice 1.5.2lofi2006-09-136-16/+10 * Schedule these broken ports for termination on 2006-12-01kris2006-09-032-0/+4 * BROKEN: Does not buildkris2006-08-182-0/+4 * Update to KDE 3.5.3lofi2006-06-062-6/+6 * Update to KOffice 1.5.1lofi2006-05-272-4/+4 * Fix categorieslofi2006-04-301-1/+1 * Update to KOffice 1.5.0lofi2006-04-293-27/+10 * Change maintainer email address.cperciva2006-04-166-6/+6 * Update to KDE 3.5.2lofi2006-03-312-6/+6 * Conversion to a single libtool environment.ade2006-02-231-5/+5 * Update to KDE 3.5.1.lofi2006-02-012-6/+6 * Update to KDE 3.5.0lofi2006-01-094-66/+8 * Add SHA256 message digest to distinfo fileedwin2005-12-271-0/+1 * update: arabic/kde3-i18nedwin2005-12-272-0/+2 * Add SHA256 message digest to distinfo fileedwin2005-12-271-0/+1 * Add SHA256 message digest to distinfo fileedwin2005-12-271-0/+1 * Add SHA256 message digest to distinfo fileedwin2005-12-271-0/+1 * Add SHA256 message digest to distinfo fileedwin2005-12-271-0/+1 * Add SHA256 message digest to distinfo fileedwin2005-12-271-0/+1 * Add SHA256 message digest to distinfo fileedwin2005-12-271-0/+1 * Mass-conversion to the USE_AUTOTOOLS New World Order. The code presentade2005-11-151-1/+1 * Update to KDE 3.4.3 / KOffice 1.4.2lofi2005-11-055-8/+6 * Bump PORTREVISION to chase the glib20 shared library update.marcus2005-11-051-1/+1 * Update to KDE 3.4.2 / KOffice 1.4.1lofi2005-08-014-7/+11 * - Update to 1.5 [1]jylefort2005-07-255-18/+21 * This LaTeX package extends the capabilities of TeX/LaTeX to generatepav2005-07-205-0/+250 * Remove openoffice.org localized ports as I announced:maho2005-06-292-16/+0 * Update to KDE 3.4.1lofi2005-06-265-9/+4 * Added slave port of lang/php_doc for the Arabic language.edwin2005-05-232-0/+14 * Update to KDE 3.4lofi2005-03-216-41/+14 * Bump PORTREVISION to chase the glib20 shared lib version change.marcus2005-03-121-1/+1 * The Islamic Tools and Libraries (ITL) is a project to provide a plethora ofpav2005-01-166-0/+83 * Tweak IGNORE string to give a better-worded error message.kris2004-12-191-1/+1 * Fix kde3-i18n ports.lofi2004-12-162-4/+4 * Update to KDE 3.3.2lofi2004-12-145-7/+7 * Update to KDE 3.3.1lofi2004-11-082-4/+4 * Bump PORTREVISIONS for all ports that depend on atk or pango to ease in themarcus2004-11-081-1/+1 * Update to KDE 3.3lofi2004-08-318-91/+15 * Chase libaspell to aspell.16.thierry2004-08-291-3/+3 * - Update to 1.1vs2004-08-273-48/+49 * - Add the X_WINDOW_SYSTEM={xorg,xfree86-4,xfree86-3} variable to bsd.port.mk,anholt2004-07-241-9/+3 * Pet portlint.lofi2004-07-112-1/+3 * Apply a big libtool patch to allow porters to use the libtool installed bymarcus2004-07-101-1/+1 * Update to version 3.2.3lofi2004-06-106-62/+210 * - Fix crash in search and replacepav2004-05-253-1/+25 * - Fix build with latest gtkkrion2004-05-212-3/+15 * BROKEN: Does not compilekris2004-04-191-0/+2