# New ports collection makefile for: libdnet # Date created: 15 April 2002 # Whom: Dominic Marks # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= libdnet PORTVERSION= 1.10 CATEGORIES= net MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME} .if defined(BUILD_PYTHON_MODULE) PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} .endif MAINTAINER= onatan@gmail.com COMMENT?= A simple interface to low level networking routines GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_TARGET=--build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL} USE_GMAKE= yes USE_AUTOTOOLS= libtool:15 SLAVE_DIRS= net/py-libdnet .if defined(BUILD_PYTHON_MODULE) USE_PYTHON= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-python INSTALL_WRKSRC= ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/python PLIST_FILES= %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/dnet.so PLIST_SUB+= MASTER="@comment " .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-python INSTALLS_SHLIB= yes PLIST_SUB+= MASTER="" MAN3= dnet.3 MAN8= dnet.8 .endif pre-everything:: .if !defined(BUILD_PYTHON_MODULE) @${ECHO_MSG} "===>" @${ECHO_MSG} "===> You can add python support with the port ${SLAVE_DIRS}." @${ECHO_MSG} "===>" @sleep 2 .endif .if defined(BUILD_PYTHON_MODULE) && defined(MAINTAINER_MODE) test: install ${PYTHON_CMD} ${INSTALL_WRKSRC}/test.py .endif .include