While here, set the DIST_SUBDIR to something unique since the distfile has the same name between versions. Also reset maintainship as Hiro doesn't use nawk on FreeBSD and updates are infrequent. PR: 187543 Submitted by: Pedro Giffuni Tweaks by: marino@
had both lines: Author: ... WWW: .... So standardize on that, and move them to the end of the file when necessary. Also fix some more whitespace, and remove more "signature tags" of varying forms, like -- name, etc. s/AUTHOR/Author/ A few other various formatting issues
Changes: - Another fix to avoid core dump with delete(ARGV); again, many thanks to Ruslan Ermilov. PR: ports/160226 Submitted by: Pedro Giffuni <giffunip@tutopia.com> Approved by: Yoshihiro Ota <ota@j.email.ne.jp> (maintainer)
fetch: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/btl.mirror/awk.tar.gz: size mismatch: expected 107961, actual 108035 Reported by: pointyhat
PR: ports/159630 Submitted by: Pedro Giffuni <giffunip@tutopia.com> Approved by: Yoshihiro Ota <ota@j.email.ne.jp> (maintainer)
PR: ports/156888 Submitted by: Pedro Giffuni <giffunip@tutopia.com> Approved by: Yoshihiro Ota <ota@j.email.ne.jp> (maintainer)
Changes: - fixed long-standing overflow bug in run.c; many thanks to nelson beebe for spotting it and providing the fix. - fixed bug that didn't parse -vd=1 properly; thanks to santiago vila for spotting it. PR: ports/152025 Submitted by: Pedro F. Giffuni <giffunip@tutopia.com> Approved by: maintainer (timeout, 18 days)