# New ports collection makefile for: inn # Date created: 2003 # Whom: clement # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= inn PORTVERSION= ${SNAPSHOT} CATEGORIES= news ipv6 MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_LOCAL} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= clement PKGNAMESUFFIX= -${BRANCH} DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${BRANCH:U}-${SNAPSHOT} MAINTAINER= clement@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= InterNetNews -- the Internet meets Netnews FORBIDDEN= "Changes ownership of system directories" BRANCH= current SNAPSHOT= 20040118 NO_LATEST_LINK= yes USE_GMAKE= yes USE_PERL5= yes USE_REINPLACE= yes USE_OPENSSL= yes CONFLICTS= inn-2.4* inn-stable-* .if exists(/var/news) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) INN_NEWSSPOOL?=/var/news .elif exists(/var/spool/news) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) INN_NEWSSPOOL?=/var/spool/news .else INN_NEWSSPOOL?=${PREFIX}/news/spool .endif INN_NEWSLOG?=/var/log/news HAS_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ENV+= LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --mandir=${PREFIX}/man \ --prefix=${PREFIX}/news \ --with-spool-dir=${INN_NEWSSPOOL} \ --with-log-dir=${INN_NEWSLOG} \ --with-perl \ --with-tmp-dir=${INN_NEWSSPOOL}/tmp \ --with-openssl=${OPENSSLBASE} .if !defined(WITHOUT_IPV6) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ipv6 .endif .if defined(WITH_BERKELEYDB) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-berkeleydb=${LOCABASE} . if !defined(WITH_BDB_VER) WITH_BDB_VER= 41 . endif . if (${WITH_BDB_VER} == 3) || (${WITH_BDB_VER} == 4) || (${WITH_BDB_VER} == 41) LIB_DEPENDS+= db${WITH_BDB_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db${WITH_BDB_VER} . elif ${WITH_BDB_VER} == 2 BROKEN= "Does not compile with db2" . else BROKEN= "Unknown BerkeleyDB version" . endif CONFIGURE_ENV+= DB_VER=db${WITH_BDB_VER} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-berkeleydb=${LOCALBASE} .endif .if defined(WITH_PYTHON) USE_PYTHON= YES CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-python .endif .if defined(WITH_TCL) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-tcl=${LOCALBASE} BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/include/tcl8.3/tcl.h:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tcl83 .endif .if defined (WITH_MAXSOCKET) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-max-sockets=${WITH_MAXSOCKET} .endif .if defined(WITH_KEYWORDS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-keywords .endif .if defined(WITH_SASL) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-sasl=${LOCALBASE} LIB_DEPENDS+= sasl2:${PORTSDIR}/security/cyrus-sasl2 .endif .if defined(WITH_TAGGED_HASH) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-tagged-hash DBZ_FILES= dir pag PLIST_SUB= SUB_WITH_TAGGED_HASH="" PLIST_SUB+= SUB_WITHOUT_TAGGED_HASH="@comment " .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-largefiles DBZ_FILES= dir hash index PLIST_SUB= SUB_WITH_TAGGED_HASH="@comment " PLIST_SUB+= SUB_WITHOUT_TAGGED_HASH="" .endif EXTRA= CONTRIBUTORS HACKING INSTALL LICENSE MANIFEST NEWS README TODO HEADERS= clibrary.h config.h dbz.h libinn.h storage.h MAN1= convdate.1 fastrm.1 getlist.1 grephistory.1 inews.1 innconfval.1 \ innmail.1 nntpget.1 pgpverify.1 rnews.1 shlock.1 \ shrinkfile.1 simpleftp.1 sm.1 MAN3= clientlib.3 dbz.3 inndcomm.3 libauth.3 libinn.3 libinnhist.3 \ libstorage.3 list.3 parsedate.3 qio.3 tst.3 uwildmat.3 MAN5= active.5 active.times.5 buffindexed.conf.5 control.ctl.5 \ cycbuff.conf.5 distrib.pats.5 expire.ctl.5 history.5 incoming.conf.5 \ inn.conf.5 innfeed.conf.5 innwatch.ctl.5 moderators.5 motd.news.5 \ newsfeeds.5 newslog.5 nnrpd.track.5 nntpsend.ctl.5 ovdb.5 \ overview.fmt.5 passwd.nntp.5 radius.conf.5 readers.conf.5 \ sasl.conf.5 storage.conf.5 subscriptions.5 MAN8= actsync.8 actsyncd.8 archive.8 auth_smb.8 batcher.8 buffchan.8 \ ckpasswd.8 cnfsheadconf.8 cnfsstat.8 controlchan.8 ctlinnd.8 \ cvtbatch.8 domain.8 expire.8 expireover.8 expirerm.8 filechan.8 \ ident.8 innbind.8 inncheck.8 innd.8 inndf.8 innreport.8 innstat.8 \ innupgrade.8 innwatch.8 innxbatch.8 innxmit.8 mailpost.8 makedbz.8 \ makehistory.8 mod-active.8 news.daily.8 news2mail.8 ninpaths.8 \ nnrpd.8 nntpsend.8 ovdb_init.8 ovdb_monitor.8 ovdb_server.8 \ ovdb_stat.8 overchan.8 perl-nocem.8 prunehistory.8 pullnews.8 \ radius.8 rc.news.8 scanlogs.8 send-nntp.8 send-uucp.8 sendinpaths.8 \ tally.control.8 tdx-util.8 writelog.8 .include post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's!/usr/local!${LOCALBASE}!' ${WRKSRC}/configure .if defined(WITH_TCL) @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's!!!' ${WRKSRC}/innd/innd.h @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's!-ltcl!-ltcl83!' ${WRKSRC}/configure .endif post-install: ${MKDIR} ${INN_NEWSSPOOL} .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) ${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} .for FILE in ${EXTRA} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${FILE} ${DOCSDIR} .endfor .endif ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/news/include .for FILE in ${HEADERS} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/include/${FILE} ${PREFIX}/news/include/ .endfor @${SED} <${FILESDIR}/innd.sh >${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/innd.sh \ s+!!PREFIX!!+${PREFIX}+g && ${CHMOD} +x ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/innd.sh @${CHOWN} root:news ${PREFIX}/news/bin/auth/passwd/ckpasswd @${CHMOD} 4755 ${PREFIX}/news/bin/auth/passwd/ckpasswd @PKG_PREFIX=${PKG_PREFIX} ${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PKGNAME} CHECK-CONF @(if [ ! -f ${PREFIX}/news/db/history ] ; then \ ${ECHO} 'Creating empty history database...' ; \ cd ${PREFIX}/news/db ; \ ${TOUCH} history ; \ ${CHMOD} 644 history ; \ ${CHOWN} news:news history ; \ su -fm news -c "../bin/makedbz -i" ; \ for s in ${DBZ_FILES} ; do \ ${MV} history.n.$${s} history.$${s} ; \ done ; \ fi) @${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PKGNAME} POST-INSTALL @${ECHO_MSG} "*********************** WARNING ***********************" @${ECHO_MSG} " This port may NOT work correctly. It has been made" @${ECHO_MSG} " for people who want to track inn-CURRENT via the" @${ECHO_MSG} " FreeBSD ports tree." .include