lprps is a collection of programs for using lpr with a PostScript
printer connected by a bidirectional serial channel.

It contains the following programs:

	lprps	handles communication with the printer
	psif	allows separate filters to be used for text and PostScript
	textps	simple text to PostScript filter
	psrev	PostScript page reversal filter
	psof    banner filter
Some features are:
  * Deals intelligently with output generated by the printer: printer
    errors (such as ``out of paper'') are logged using syslog.
  * Updates status file (displayed by lpq) with printer's current status.
  * Performs printer accounting.
  * Ensures that the printer is ready to receive the job.
  * Determines whether file is PostScript or text and prints it appropriately
  * Can automatically perform page reversal for the benefit of printers
    that stack face-up.