A clone of the proprietary enscript program from Adobe Systems. For those
who have never used enscript, it is a good ASCII to Postscript converter.
The main features of nenscript are:
. produces Postscript output which fully conforms to
the Document Structuring Conventions
. support for normal and "gaudy" output
. support for single or double column output
. allows insertion of titles and headers in any font.
. multiple copies of a document
Features additional to nenscript are:
. automatic wrapping of long lines
. availability under MSDOS
. executable is self contained - no additional files required
WWW: http://www.risacher.org/nenscript/
ww.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~b01902062/git/freebsd-ports-gnome' title='freebsd-ports-gnome Git repository'/>