# New ports collection makefile for: dsniff # Date created: 08 Jan 2000 # Whom: kris@FreeBSD.org # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= dsniff PORTVERSION= 2.3 PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= security MASTER_SITES= http://naughty.monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff/ MAINTAINER= sbz@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Various sniffing utilities for penetration testing BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LIBNET_CONFIG}:${PORTSDIR}/net/libnet10 \ ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libnids.a:${PORTSDIR}/net/libnids GNU_CONFIGURE= yes WANT_GNOME= yes OPTIONS= X11 "Enable X11 support" on MAN8= arpspoof.8 dsniff.8 macof.8 mailsnarf.8 tcpkill.8 \ tcpnice.8 urlsnarf.8 filesnarf.8 dnsspoof.8 msgsnarf.8 \ sshmitm.8 webmitm.8 LIBNET_CONFIG?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/libnet10-config .include <bsd.port.pre.mk> # If net/libnids has been compiled with the GLIB2 option then this port needs # the corresponding library and additional linker flags. LIBNIDS_GLIB2?= .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libnids.a) LIBNIDS_GLIB2!= nm -u ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libnids.a | ${GREP} g_thread_init || ${TRUE} .endif .if !empty(LIBNIDS_GLIB2) USE_GNOME+= glib20 .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_X11) USE_XORG= x11 xmu PLIST_SUB+= X11='' MAN8+= webspy.8 .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--without-x PLIST_SUB+= X11='@comment ' .endif post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -Ee \ 's|libnet-config|${LIBNET_CONFIG:T}|; \ s|test -f \$${prefix}/include/libnet.h|${TRUE}|; \ s|(LNETINC=).*|\1"`${LIBNET_CONFIG} --cflags`"|; \ s|(LNETLIB=).*|\1"`${LIBNET_CONFIG} --libs`"|' \ ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} .if !empty(LIBNIDS_GLIB2) pre-configure: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|@NIDSLIB@|& `pkg-config --libs gthread-2.0`|' \ ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in .endif .include <bsd.port.post.mk>