=============================================================================== Additional configuration is required if you wish to use auditdistd: On the receiver, perform the following: 1. Generate a certificate: # openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -days 1825 -batch \ -out /etc/security/auditdistd.cert.pem \ -keyout /etc/security/auditdistd.key.pem # chmod 0600 /etc/security/auditdistd.key.pem /etc/security/auditdistd.cert.pem # chown root:wheel /etc/security/auditdistd.key.pem /etc/security/auditdistd.cert.pem 2. Print out the public key's fingerprint: # openssl x509 -in /etc/security/auditdistd.cert.pem -noout -fingerprint -sha256 | \ awk -F '[ =]' '{printf("%s=%s\n", $1, $3)}' SHA256=8F:0A:FC:8A:3D:09:80:AF:D9:AA:38:CC:8A:86:53:E6:8F:B6:1C:55:30... 3. Generate a password used to authenticate both hosts against eachother: # dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 | openssl base64 | cut -b -32 YjwbK69H5cEBlhcT+eJpJgJTFn5B2SrG 4. Create /etc/security/auditdistd.conf configuration file: receiver { host " { remote "tls://" password "" } } 5. Update permissions on the auditdistd configuration file: # chmod 600 /etc/security/auditdistd.conf # chown root:wheel /etc/security/auditdistd.conf 6. Add the following to /etc/rc.conf: auditdistd_enable="YES" 7. Start auditdistd: service auditdistd start =============================================================================== On the sender, perform the following: 1. Ensure your kernel is compiled with: options AUDIT 2. Add the following to /etc/rc.conf: auditd_enable="YES" auditd_program="%%PREFIX%%/sbin/auditd" auditdistd_enable="YES" 3. Add the following to /etc/security/audit_control: dist:on 4. Create /etc/security/auditdistd.conf configuration file: sender { host "" { remote "tls://" fingerprint "SHA256=8F:0A:FC:8A:3D:09:80:AF:D9:AA:38:CC:8A:86:..." password "" } } 4. Start the required daemons: service auditd start && service auditdistd start Additional information regarding auditdistd may be found on the OpenBSM wiki: https://wiki.freebsd.org/auditdistd ===============================================================================