OpenCT, a middleware framework for smart card terminals. It all started with a reader driver library to provide a framework for people writing drivers for smart card readers. The idea was to provide all the usual stuff (T=0, T=1, serial vs. USB device handling, etc) in a single place, and reduce driver writing to interaction with the device itself. OpenCT provides a native OpenCT, CT-API and PC/SC Lite IFD interface with an OpenCT ifdhandler resource manager. OpenCT is an open source implementation providing card terminal drivers: Towitoko CHIPDRIVE micro - serial interface reader KOBIL KAAN Professional - serial interface reader Schlumberger e-gate - USB token / smart card reader Aladdin eToken PRO - USB crypto Token Eutron CryptoIdentity IT-SEC - A USB crypto Token Rainbow iKey 3000 - USB crypto Token OMNIKEY CardMan - UDB smart card reader WWW: