# New ports collection makefile for: fusefs-kmod # Date created: 08 October 2005 # Whom: Anish Mistry # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= fusefs DISTVERSION= 0.3.9-pre1.20080208 PORTREVISION= 6 CATEGORIES= sysutils kld MASTER_SITES= http://mercurial.creo.hu/repos/fuse4bsd-hg/index.cgi/archive/ PKGNAMESUFFIX= -kmod DISTNAME= ${HG_SHORTREV} DIST_SUBDIR= fuse4bsd MAINTAINER= amistry@am-productions.biz COMMENT= Kernel module for fuse BUILD_DEPENDS= fusefs-libs>2.4.1:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/fusefs-libs .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) BUILD_DEPENDS+= deplate:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ruby-deplate .endif USE_RC_SUBR= fusefs KMODDIR?= ${PREFIX}/modules PLIST_SUB= KMODDIR=${KMODDIR} MAKE_ENV= BINDIR="${PREFIX}/sbin" MANDIR="${MANPREFIX}/man/man" \ KMODDIR="${KMODDIR}" SYSDIR="${SRC_BASE}/sys" \ MOUNT="${SRC_BASE}/sbin/mount" WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/fuse4bsd-${HG_SHORTREV} DISABLE_SIZE= yes SRC_BASE?= /usr/src SETUP= setup.sh HG_SHORTREV= 498acaef33b0 MAN8= mount_fusefs.8 TXT_DOCS= doc.text HTML_DOCS= Faq.html \ Implementation.html \ Quickstart.html \ article.css \ deplate-mini.png \ deplate.css \ doc.html \ heading-navbar.css \ home-grey.png \ mailto.png \ next-grey.png \ prev-grey.png \ remote.png \ serif.css \ tabbar-right.css OPTIONS= AUTOSETUP "Automatic global config file setup" off .include .if !exists(${SRC_BASE}/sys/Makefile) IGNORE= requires the Kernel source to be installed. Set SRC_BASE if it is not in /usr/src .endif .if !exists(${SRC_BASE}/sbin/mount) IGNORE= requires the userland sources to be installed. Set SRC_BASE if it is not in /usr/src .endif .if ${ARCH} != "i386" && ${ARCH} != "amd64" BROKEN= Does not compile on other than i386/amd64 .endif .if defined(WITH_AUTOSETUP) SUB_FILES+= ${SETUP} .else SUB_FILES+= pkg-message .endif post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/deplate.rb/deplate/g' \ ${WRKSRC}/doc/Makefile post-configure: @${CP} ${LOCALBASE}/include/fuse/fuse_kernel.h ${WRKSRC}/fuse_module post-build: .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @cd ${WRKSRC}/doc && make plaintext html_chunked .endif pre-su-install: @${MKDIR} ${KMODDIR} post-install: @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/sbin/mount_fusefs /usr/sbin .if defined(WITH_AUTOSETUP) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) @${ECHO} "Modifying global startup config files and loading module..." @${SH} ${WRKDIR}/${SETUP} .else @${ECHO_CMD}; ${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE}; ${ECHO_CMD} .endif .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/kmod/html .for i in ${TXT_DOCS} @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/plaintext_out/$i ${DOCSDIR}/kmod .endfor .for i in ${HTML_DOCS} @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/html_chunked_out/$i ${DOCSDIR}/kmod/html .endfor .endif .include