=================================================================== To start using rsyslogd(8), stop syslogd(8) if it's running and add the following lines to rc.conf(5): syslogd_enable="NO" rsyslogd_enable="YES" It's recommended to copy syslog.conf(5) to %%PREFIX%%/etc/rsyslog.conf and edit it there. Otherwise add this: rsyslogd_config="/etc/syslog.conf" newsyslog(8) has the path of syslogd's pid file hardcoded. To make it work seamlessly with rsyslog, add this: rsyslogd_pidfile="/var/run/syslog.pid" rsyslogd(8) does not support logging /dev/klog. To enable a simple logger(1)-based workaround, add this: rsyslogd_klog_enable="YES" ===================================================================