# New ports collection makefile for: sysutils/symon # Date created: 17.02.2005 # Whom: Ulrich Spoerlein # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= symon PORTVERSION= 2.79 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= sysutils MASTER_SITES= http://www.xs4all.nl/~wpd/symon/philes/ MAINTAINER= uqs@spoerlein.net COMMENT= Performance and information monitoring tool WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} SUB_FILES= pkg-message USE_PERL5_BUILD= yes # Synonym for WITHOUT_SYMUX .if defined(WITHOUT_RRD) WITHOUT_SYMUX= yes .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_SYMUX) LIB_DEPENDS+= rrd:${PORTSDIR}/databases/rrdtool .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_SYMUX) && defined(WITHOUT_SYMON) IGNORE= you have defined both WITHOUT_SYMUX or WITHOUT_RRD *and* WITHOUT_SYMON .endif SUBDIR= lib .if !defined(WITHOUT_SYMON) SUBDIR+= symon MAN8+= symon.8 PLIST_SUB+= SYMON="" USE_RC_SUBR+= symon.sh .else PLIST_SUB+= SYMON="@comment " .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_SYMUX) SUBDIR+= symux MAN8+= symux.8 PLIST_SUB+= SYMUX="" USE_RC_SUBR+= symux.sh .else PLIST_SUB+= SYMUX="@comment " .endif SUBDIR+= client MAKE_ARGS+= SUBDIR="${SUBDIR}" RRDDIR="${LOCALBASE}" # Symux doesn't need additional LIBS. post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's/^LIBS+=/LIBS=/' ${WRKSRC}/symux/Makefile pre-install: @${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PORTNAME} PRE-INSTALL post-install: @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include