ibus installation finished. To use ibus, please do the following:

If you are using bash, please add following lines to your $HOME/.bashrc:

export XIM=ibus
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=xim
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon"
export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim"

If you are using tcsh, please add following lines to your $HOME/.cshrc:

setenv XIM ibus
setenv GTK_IM_MODULE ibus
setenv QT_IM_MODULE xim
setenv XMODIFIERS @im=ibus
setenv XIM_PROGRAM ibus-daemon
setenv XIM_ARGS "--daemonize --xim"

If you are using KDE4, you may create a shell script in $HOME/.kde4/env, 
and add following lines:

export XIM=ibus
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=xim
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon"
export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim"

Following input methods/engines are available in ports:

chinese/ibus-pinyin		The PinYin input method
japanese/ibus-anthy		Anthy engine for IBus
textproc/ibus-m17n		The m17n IMEngine for IBus framework

If ibus cannot start or the panel does not appear, please ensure
that you are using up-to-date python.
There's a bug in python 2.5, which may prevent the panel from appearing.