Nux is a small, straightforward, and surprisingly effective open-source
extension of the XOM XML library. Nux is geared towards versatile embedded
integration and interchange, in particular for high-throughput server container
environments (e.g. large-scale Peer-to-Peer messaging network infrastructures
over high-bandwidth networks, scalable MOMs, etc). But its simplicity also
makes it useful for client side XML query/transformation workflow pipelines.
Features include:

- Seamless W3C XQuery support for XOM.
- Efficient and flexible pools and factories for XQueries, XSL Transforms, as
  well as Builders that validate against various schema languages, including
  W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron, etc.
- For simple and complex continuous queries and/or transformations over very
  large or infinitely long XML input, a convenient streaming path filter API
  combines full XQuery support with straightforward filtering.
- Glue for integration with JAXB and for queries over ill-formed HTML.
- All this is rock-solid, dependable, well documented, and ships in a jar file
  that weighs just 60 KB.