# New ports collection makefile for: qt4-xmlpatterns-tool # Date created: Sat May 10 23:17:08 CEST 2008 # Whom: danny@ricin.com # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= xmlpatterns-tool PORTVERSION= ${QT4_VERSION} CATEGORIES?= textproc MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_QT} PKGNAMEPREFIX= qt4- DISTNAME= qt-x11-opensource-src-${PORTVERSION} DIST_SUBDIR= KDE MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Qt4 command line utility for running XQueries USE_QT_VER= 4 QT_COMPONENTS= qmake_build xmlpatterns QT_NONSTANDARD= yes QT_DIST= yes HAS_CONFIGURE= yes ALL_TARGET= first CONFIGURE_ENV?= QTDIR=${WRKSRC} PATH=${WRKSRC}/bin:$$PATH MAKE_ENV?= QTDIR=${WRKSRC} LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${WRKSRC}/lib \ PATH=${WRKSRC}/bin:$$PATH DO_NOT_EXTRACT= demos doc examples mkspecs qmake translations \ src/dbus src/gui src/network src/opengl src/phonon \ src/qt3support src/script src/sql src/svg src/testlib \ src/tools src/xml src/3rdparty/clucene \ src/3rdparty/kdebase src/3rdparty/kdelibs src/3rdparty/webkit EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS= | ${TAR} -xf - .for dne in ${DO_NOT_EXTRACT} EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS+= --exclude '${DISTNAME}/${dne}' .endfor WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME}/tools/xmlpatterns CONFIGURE_WRKSRC=${WRKSRC}/../../ pre-configure: ${CP} ${.CURDIR}/../../devel/qt4/files/configure ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/../../mkspecs # ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^TARGET.*|TARGET=xmlpatterns|g' \ # ${WRKSRC}/xmlpatterns.pro ${LN} -sf ${LOCALBASE}/bin/qmake-qt4 ${WRKSRC}/../../bin/qmake .include .8 FreeBSD GNOME current development ports (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports-gnome)
path: root/math/p5-Math-Round
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Return some ports I maintain to the pool.eadler2014-02-021-1/+1
* Do not try to remove empty directories created by lang/perl5.xantoine2013-12-07