Emacs major mode for editing XSL stylesheets.


 - XSL customization group for setting some variables
 - Initial stylesheet inserted into empty XSL buffers;
 - "Template" menu for jumping to template rules, named templates, key
   declarations, and attribute-set declarations in the buffer;
 - `xsl-process' function that runs an XSL processor and collects the output;
 - Predefined command line templates and error regexps for Java and
   Windows executable versions of both XT and Saxon;
 - Font lock highlighting so that the important information stands out;
 - `xsl-complete' function for inserting element and attribute names;
 - `xsl-insert-tag' function for inserting matching start- and end-tags;
 - Automatic completion of end-tags;
 - Automatic indenting of elements with user-definable indentation step; and
 - Comprehensive abbreviations table to further ease typing.

WWW: http://www.menteith.com/xslide/

- Leo Kim