.\" $FreeBSD$
.Dd April 05, 2004
.Dt "xvnkb" 1
.Nm xvnkb ,
.Nd A Vietnamese keyboard input method
.Nm xvnkb
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl m=method
.Op Fl c=charset
.Nm \&xvnkb
is a Vietnamese keyboard input for X-Window System. xvnkb supports a wide range of input methods and charsets.
.Bl -tag -width indent
.It Fl h
Print the help message.
.It Fl m=method
Use the specified input method.
Supported methods are:
vni, telex, viqr.
.It Fl c=charset
Choose the input charset.
Supported charsets are: utf8, tcvn, viscii, vps, viqr.
.Bl -tag -width
On FreeBSD 4.x, you need to install a port called utf8locale (ports/misc/utf8locale) in order to use UTF-8 charset. To enable UTF-8 locale and preload xvnkb core module, you should also add these lines at top of your .xinitrc (or profile)
.It export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
.It export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
.It export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/xvnkb.so.0.2.9
.Bl -tag -width
.It Pa /usr/local/lib/xvnkb.so.0.2.9
xvnkb core module
.It Pa /usr/local/bin/xvnkb
executable GUI control module
There're may be some bugs. Please write the author if you catch something wrong.
xvnkb was written by
.An Dao Hai Lam Aq lam@visc-network.com .
Man page and freebsd ports created by
.An Nguyen Tam Chinh Aq chinhngt@sectorb.msk.ru .
me='h' onchange='this.form.submit();'>
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