# Makefile.doc # Author: Clement Laforet <clement@FreeBSD.org> # # This files contains: # - make options output # - apache2 man/docs routines # # $FreeBSD$ # ## Available knobs: ## By default, modules are compiled as dynamically loadable (DSO) modules. ## ## Apache-related ## WITH_MPM: prefork (default) ## worker ## perchild ## WITH_HTTP_PORT: default: 80 ## WITH_LDAP: Enable LDAP support (mod_auth_ldap) ## WITHOUT_PROXY: Disable proxy support ## WITH_CUSTOM_PROXY: Let you choose which proxy modules you wish ## WITHOUT_AUTH: Disable auth modules ## WITH_CUSTOM_AUTH: Let you choose which auth modules you wish ## WITHOUT_DAV: Disable DAV support ## WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY: Don't allow IPv6 sockets to handle IPv4 connections ## WITHOUT_SSL: Disable SSL support ## WITH_THREADS: Enable threads support !! USE IT WITH CARE !! ## WITH_CUSTOM_THREADS: Let you choose which threaded modules you want ## WITH_DBM: Choose your DBM: bdb (Berkeley DB), gdbm or ndbm (default) ## WITH_BERKELEYDB: Choose your BerkeleyDB version: db2, db3, db4, db41, db42 or FreeBSD (1.85)(default) ## WITH_STATIC_SUPPORT: Build statically linked support binaries ## WITH_STATIC_APACHE: Build a static version of httpd (implies WITH_STATIC_MODULES) ## WITH_ALL_STATIC_MODULES: All modules will be statically linked. ## WITH_STATIC_MODULES: List of modules to build modules statics (usefull for slave ports) ## (They must be already enabled (i.e. WITH_MODULES or with default configuration ## use 'make show-modules', to check if they are enabled) ## WITH_EXPERIMENTAL: Build and install experimental modules ## WITH_EXTRA_MODULES: Use this to support additional modules (plist entry is NOT currently supported) ## WITH_MODULES: List of your own modules ## WITHOUT_MODULES: Disable listed modules ## WITH_SUEXEC: Enable suExec support ## SUEXEC_DOCROOT: SuExec root directory ## SUEXEC_USERDIR: User subdirectory (default public_html) ## SUEXEC_SAFEPATH: Set the safepath ## SUEXEC_UIDMIN: Minimal allowed UID (default 1000) ## SUEXEC_GIDMIN: Minimal allowed GID (default 1000) ## SUEXEC_CALLER: User allowed to call SuExec (default ${WWWOWN} (www)) ## ## Port-related: ## WITHOUT_WWW: Implies NO_CGI, NO_WWWDATA, NO_ICONS and NO_ERROR ## WITH_CUSTOM_WWW: Let you choose your ${LOCALBASE}/www components: [cgi|errordocs|icons|wwwdata] ## WITH_APR_FROM_PORTS: Utilise apr and apr-utils from ${PORTSDIR}/devel/apr ## ## Available make targets: ## show-options: prints this message ## show-modules: prints list of available modules ## ## Examples: ## make WITHOUT_SSL=yes WITH_EXTRA_MODULES="bucketeer case_filter case_filter_in" WITHOUT_PROXY=yes ## make WITH_STATIC_MODULES="ssl rewrite include" WITH_EXPERIMENTAL=yes WITH_CUSTOM_AUTH="auth auth_dbm" ## make WITH_EXPERIMENTAL=yes WITHOUT_MODULES="access speling status" ## make WITH_MODULES="include rewrite auth" ## DOCSDIR= share/doc/apache2 .if defined(NOPORTDOCS) MAKE_ENV+= NOPORTDOCS=yes .endif MAN1= dbmmanage.1 htdigest.1 htpasswd.1 MAN8= ab.8 apachectl.8 apxs.8 httpd.8 logresolve.8 rotatelogs.8 suexec.8 .if defined(WITHOUT_WWW) NO_CGI= YES NO_WWWDATA= YES NO_ICONS= YES NO_ERROR= YES .elif defined(WITH_CUSTOM_WWW) . if ${WITH_CUSTOM_WWW:Mcgi} == "" NO_CGI= YES . endif . if ${WITH_CUSTOM_WWW:Mwwwdata} == "" NO_WWWDATA= YES . endif . if ${WITH_CUSTOM_WWW:Merrordocs} == "" NO_ERROR= YES . endif . if ${WITH_CUSTOM_WWW:Micons} == "" NO_ICONS= YES . endif .endif .if defined(NO_CGI) MAKE_ENV+= NO_CGI=yes PLIST_SUB+= CGI="@comment " .else PLIST_SUB+= CGI="" .endif .if defined(NO_ICONS) MAKE_ENV+= NO_ICONS=yes PLIST_SUB+= ICONS="@comment " .else PLIST_SUB+= ICONS="" .endif .if defined(NO_WWWDATA) MAKE_ENV+= NO_WWWDATA=yes PLIST_SUB+= WWWDATA="@comment " .else PLIST_SUB+= WWWDATA="" .endif .if defined(NO_ERROR) MAKE_ENV+= NO_ERROR=yes PLIST_SUB+= ERROR="@comment " .else PLIST_SUB+= ERROR="" .endif