# New ports collection makefile for: GeekLog # Date Created: 22 April 2002 # Whom: Bob Bomar # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= geeklog PORTVERSION= 1.3.4 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=geeklog MAINTAINER= bob@fly.homeunix.org RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/mysqld:${PORTSDIR}/databases/mysql323-server RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/apache/libphp4.so:${PORTSDIR}/www/mod_php4 NO_BUILD= yes APACHEDIR= ${LOCALBASE}/www/data do-install: ${MKDIR} ${APACHEDIR}/geeklog ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/* ${APACHEDIR}/geeklog ${CHOWN} -R www:www ${APACHEDIR}/geeklog ${CHMOD} -R 777 ${APACHEDIR}/geeklog/logs ${CHMOD} -R 777 ${APACHEDIR}/geeklog/public_html/backend @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} "***********************************************************************" @${ECHO} "* You now need to create the database that you want GeekLog *" @${ECHO} "* to reside in. *" @${ECHO} "* Once you have done that, the goto *" @${ECHO} "* http://<;your_website>/geeklog/public_html/admin/install/install.php *" @${ECHO} "* And follow the instructions, then you are done!! *" @${ECHO} "***********************************************************************" .include