POST-INSTALL CONFIGURATION FOR OSCOMMERCE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations! You have installed oscommerce. To proceed with the installation, run: chmod 777 %%WWWDIR%%/catalog/includes/configure.php chmod 777 %%WWWDIR%%/catalog/admin/includes/configure.php Once you've finished the rest of the installation, it is highly encouraged that you chmod -R 000 %%WWWDIR%%/catalog/install chmod 644 %%WWWDIR%%/catalog/includes/configure.php chmod 644 %%WWWDIR%%/catalog/admin/includes/configure.php to disable the installation utilities. Then: 1) Create a user and a database for oscommerce to store all its tables in (or choose an existing database). 2) Add the following to your Apache configuration, and restart the server: ### Add the AcceptPathInfo directive only for Apache 2.0.30 or later. Alias /oscommerce %%PREFIX%%/www/oscommerce/ AcceptPathInfo On AllowOverride None Order Allow,Deny Allow from all 3) You should now open a browser and go to: http://localhost/oscommerce/catalog/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------