# New ports collection makefile for: prado # Date created: 04 January 2008 # Whom: Greg Larkin # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= prado PORTVERSION= 3.1.1.r2290 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= SF MAINTAINER= glarkin@sourcehosting.net COMMENT= A framework for developing PHP web applications USE_ZIP= yes USE_APACHE= 2.0+ NO_BUILD= yes USE_PHP= session WANT_PHP_WEB= yes SUB_FILES= pkg-message OPTIONS= PROD "Install for production server (see: make confighelp)" Off \ REQPHP "Install required PHP dependencies" On \ OPTPHP "Install optional PHP dependencies" Off PLIST_SUB+= CONFDIR=${CONFDIR_REL} CONFDIR= ${PREFIX}/${CONFDIR_REL} CONFDIR_REL= ${APACHEETCDIR}/Includes .include WITH_PHP_CGI?= /cgi-bin/php .if ${PHP_SAPI:Mcgi} == "cgi" && ${PHP_SAPI:Mmod} == "" CGI_EXT= -cgi .else CGI_EXT= .endif DEFAULT_PHP_VER=5 IGNORE_WITH_PHP=4 SUB_LIST+= PHPCGI=${WITH_PHP_CGI} .if defined(WITH_PROD) PROD= production .else PROD= development .endif CONF= prado-${PROD}${CGI_EXT}.conf SUB_FILES+= ${CONF} .if defined(WITH_REQPHP) USE_PHP+= dom spl ctype pcre .endif .if defined(WITH_OPTPHP) USE_PHP+= pdo iconv zlib sqlite memcache mcrypt xsl soap RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/php/${PHP_EXT_DIR}/apc.so:${PORTSDIR}/www/pecl-APC .endif confighelp: @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "On a production server, the Apache DocumentRoot is" @${ECHO_MSG} "updated to point to the Prado webroot directory." @${ECHO_MSG} "In this configuration, the Prado application is" @${ECHO_MSG} "accessed at http://www.myservername.com/." @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "A non-production server, Prado is installed at" @${ECHO_MSG} "the /prado URL, and the Prado application is" @${ECHO_MSG} "accessed at http://www.myservername.com/prado/." @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "For more information, please see:" @${ECHO_MSG} "http://www.pradosoft.com/wiki/index.php/Installation" @${ECHO_MSG} "" post-configure: @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MV} "HISTORY" "UPGRADE" docs/ do-install: @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} "index.html demos editors \ framework requirements tests" ${WWWDIR} @${CHOWN} -R ${WWWOWN}:${WWWGRP} ${WWWDIR} @${FIND} ${WWWDIR} -type f -print0 | ${XARGS} -0 ${CHMOD} 644 @${FIND} ${WWWDIR} -type d -print0 | ${XARGS} -0 ${CHMOD} 755 @${ECHO_CMD} '@exec ${CHOWN} -R ${WWWOWN}:${WWWGRP} \ ${WWWDIR}' >> ${TMPPLIST} post-install: @if [ -d "${CONFDIR}" ]; then \ ${CP} ${WRKDIR}/${CONF} ${CONFDIR}/prado.conf; \ else \ ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "Please check your Apache 2.x installation -" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "${CONFDIR} doesn't exist," ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "so I cannot install prado.conf there!" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ ${FALSE} ; \ fi .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @cd ${WRKSRC}/docs && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${DOCSDIR} .endif @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .if ${CGI_EXT} == "-cgi" @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "Your Prado installation was configured to use the PHP CGI binary." @${ECHO_MSG} "The PHP CGI binary is expected to be referenced by the URL:" @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} " ${WITH_PHP_CGI}" @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "If this is incorrect, reinstall the port with the WITH_PHP_CGI knob" @${ECHO_MSG} "set to the correct URL." .endif @${ECHO_MSG} "*********************************************************************" .include